I'm trying to work with a compressed Fuel file, without having to expand everything at the same time. It looks like not all streams are created equally. I seem to need a File instead of a FileReference:

        |zipStream fileRef|
fileRef := File named: (FileSystem disk workingDirectory / (self fileName, '.zip')) pathString.
        fileRef writeStreamDo: [ :s |
                zipStream := GZipWriteStream on: s.
                repository := nil.
                FLSerializer serialize: self on: zipStream.
                zipStream close].

And materializing doesn't like this stream

from: aFileName
        |zipStream fileRef theNew|
        fileRef := File named: aFileName.
        fileRef readStreamDo: [ :s |
                zipStream := GZipReadStream on: s.
                theNew := (FLMaterializer new materializeFrom: zipStream) root.
                zipStream close].

How am I supposed to work with compressed Fuel files?


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