On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 10:16 AM, Stephan Eggermont <step...@stack.nl> wrote:

> On 03-01-16 20:31, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>> I may have a hint. Which is the error upon materialization? A dnu on the
>> stream? Which message?
> A segmentation fault when saving

Ahh I reported that years ago:


> Smalltalk stack dump:
> 0xffcb7390 M GZipWriteStream(DeflateStream)>deflateBlock 0xe66c808: a(n)
> GZipWriteStream
> 0xffcb73b4 M GZipWriteStream(DeflateStream)>next:putAll:startingAt:
> 0xe66c808: a(n) GZipWriteStream
> 0xffcb73d8 M FLBufferedWriteStream>flushBuffer 0xe66cb48: a(n)
> FLBufferedWriteStream
> 0xffcb73f0 M FLBufferedWriteStream>nextBytesPutAll: 0xe66cb48: a(n)
> FLBufferedWriteStream
> 0xffcb7410 M FLEncoder>encodeString: 0xe66c720: a(n) FLEncoder
> 0xffcb742c M ByteString>serializeOn: 0xcce25a0: a(n) ByteString
> 0xffcb7448 M FLHookPrimitiveCluster>serializeInstance:with: 0xe713af8:
> a(n) FLHookPrimitiveCluster
> 0xffcb746c M [] in
> FLHookPrimitiveCluster(FLIteratingCluster)>serializeInstancesStepWith:
> 0xe713af8: a(n) FLHookPrimitiveCluster
> 0xffcb7494 M IdentitySet(Set)>do: 0xf70b230: a(n) IdentitySet
> 0xffcb74b0 M
> FLHookPrimitiveCluster(FLIteratingCluster)>serializeInstancesStepWith:
> 0xe713af8: a(n) FLHookPrimitiveCluster
> 0xffcb74cc M FLSerialization>clusterInstancesStepOf: 0xe66c6e8: a(n)
> FLSerialization
> 0xffcb74e8 M [] in FLSerialization>instancesStep 0xe66c6e8: a(n)
> FLSerialization
> 0xffcb750c M OrderedCollection>do: 0xf70b1e0: a(n) OrderedCollection
> 0xffcb7530 I FLSerialization>instancesStep 0xe66c6e8: a(n) FLSerialization
> 0xffcb7550 I FLSerialization>run 0xe66c6e8: a(n) FLSerialization
> 0xffcb7574 I [] in FLSerializer>setDefaultSerialization 0xe66c700: a(n)
> FLSerializer
> 0xffcb75a0 I [] in FLSerializer>serialize:on: 0xe66c700: a(n) FLSerializer
> 0xffcb75cc I [] in FLEncoder class>on:globalEnvironment:do: 0x8f20878:
> a(n) FLEncoder class
> 0xffcb75ec M BlockClosure>ensure: 0xe66c770: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0xffcb7614 I FLEncoder class>on:globalEnvironment:do: 0x8f20878: a(n)
> FLEncoder class
> 0xffcb7640 I FLSerializer>serialize:on: 0xe66c700: a(n) FLSerializer
> 0xffcb7668 I FLSerializer class>serialize:on: 0x8eb91d8: a(n) FLSerializer
> class
> 0xffcb7694 I [] in MCProject>saveToFile 0xb92d790: a(n) MCProject
> 0xffcb76c0 I [] in File>writeStreamDo: 0xe612500: a(n) File
> 0xffcb76e0 M BlockClosure>ensure: 0xe66c900: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0xffcb7708 I File>writeStreamDo: 0xe612500: a(n) File
> 0xffcb7734 I MCProject>saveToFile 0xb92d790: a(n) MCProject
> 0xffcb7750 M UndefinedObject>(nil) 0x8b75b00: a(n) UndefinedObject
>  0xb73ad00 s OpalCompiler>evaluate
>  0xb92dec8 s RubSmalltalkEditor>evaluate:andDo:
>  0xb92df58 s RubSmalltalkEditor>highlightEvaluateAndDo:
>  0xb743418 s [] in
> GLMMorphicPharoScriptRenderer(GLMMorphicPharoCodeRenderer)>actOnHighlightAndEvaluate:
>  0xb73ad60 s RubEditingArea(RubAbstractTextArea)>handleEdit:
>  0xb92dff8 s [] in
> GLMMorphicPharoScriptRenderer(GLMMorphicPharoCodeRenderer)>actOnHighlightAndEvaluate:
>  0xb743478 s WorldState>runStepMethodsIn:
>  0xb73adc0 s WorldMorph>runStepMethods
>  0xb92e070 s WorldState>doOneCycleNowFor:
>  0xb7434d8 s WorldState>doOneCycleFor:
>  0xb73ae20 s WorldMorph>doOneCycle
>  0x944db08 s [] in MorphicUIManager>(nil)
>  0x944da80 s [] in BlockClosure>(nil)


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