On 03-01-16 20:31, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
I may have a hint. Which is the error upon materialization? A dnu on the
stream? Which message?

Here is a further problem. I've done:

Gofer it
        smalltalkhubUser: 'StephanEggermont' project: 'MonticelloProjects';
        package: 'MonticelloProjects';

project := (Smalltalk at: #MCProject) new location: 'http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker'.
project read.
project repository: nil.
FLSerializer serialize: project toFileNamed: 'VMMaker.fl'.

That takes a while (downloads 5 GB or so).
It results in a 1.2 GB Fuel file.
That is way too much, so somewhere I'm pulling in too many objects,
or they are not recognized as equal.

Writing out the 71712 unique definitions in this project separately is 54MB. The project consists of 17 packages with 2723 package versions, the total number of pointers to the definitions is 2.2 million.
The total should be below 100MB


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