> On 05 Jan 2016, at 14:26, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:
> Agree.
> Nevertheless, the performance impact I got on OOP way of doing things
> can't be wiped out: when you ask an object to give its text
> representation but use non latin1 character, you get an important
> penalty. In the long term, it looks like a problem for Pharo.

No, that is not 100% correct.

You can use any Unicode anywhere tranparantly and the performance penalty is 
low. Pharo supports Unicode everywhere for 100% (given you use the right font).

The problem occurs only when you take a collection of 1000s of these objects in 
a tool that wants to convert them all at once but separately to strings. Then 
the cumulative performance penalty becomes quite noticeable, true.

The problem can does also be restated: it is really necessary for a tool to 
convert 1000s of items to strings, even if only 10s are shown at the same time 
on a screen ? 

I believe that fast table tries to do better here.

> Hilaire
> Le 05/01/2016 13:20, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :
>> 0450822759String with ByteString and WideString subclasses has been a 
>> standard feature of Squeak/Pharo for a long time. The transparent automatic 
>> conversion between the two is a feature, not a limitation.
>> In se, there is nothing wrong with it.
>> Yes, other representations of Strings are possible, but is is far from sure 
>> that they would be faster overall. The current implementation favours Latin1 
>> (and thus ASCII), because that is so common. In my work image I count them 
>> as follows:
>> ByteString allInstances size. "301498"
>> WideString allInstances size. "136"
>> That is less than 0.05%.
>>> On 05 Jan 2016, at 13:08, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:
>>> Le 04/01/2016 11:05, Henrik Johansen a écrit :
>>>> In the fallback code for WriteStream >> #nextPut:, at:put: is called,  so 
>>>> yes, streaming a wide char causes the streams collection to be converted 
>>>> from Byte to WideString.
>>>> Conversion is done using become, which currently triggers a full heap scan 
>>>> for references, and is thus very slow.
>>>> One could add a fast-path along the lines of #pastEndPut: (which has 
>>>> already broken any assumption that a reference to the collection will 
>>>> reflect all writes for the lifetime of stream, for the same performance 
>>>> problems one would face using #become:); if collection is a ByteString and 
>>>> anObject is a wide characters, replace collection with a WideString, and 
>>>> *then* call at:put:
>>>> But, it is not a very nice thing to add to a generic streaming class, nor 
>>>> is it a very attractive at this point in time considering that making 
>>>> become: a fast operation is one of the problems solved by Spur.
>>> So wait and see for Spur?
>>> To not forget about it, it is recorded here, and it should be kept open
>>> for later check:
>>> https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/17315/Slow-object-printOn-with-EURO-symbol
>>> It is  possible to turn around this problem, but this sort of annoyance
>>> with Pharo internal encoding regularly arises, so I am not sure what to
>>> think about the state of Pharo regarding internal encoding. Now days is
>>> not supposed to be all utf-8?
>>> Thanks
>>> Hilaire
>>> -- 
>>> Dr. Geo
>>> http://drgeo.eu
> -- 
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu

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