
We will have our first half data week[1] from Thursday 25 Feb to Saturday 27 Feb, and I would like to ease the grafoscopio's installation by making it available via the Pharo catalog. I have followed the video at [1] and published my stable configurationOfGrafoscopio, but I can't see it on http://catalog.pharo.org/ despite of giving it the proper time to the process to run (it runs at 6 pm Colombian time).

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5Dbmmln8tA

I think that I have followed properly the instructions but I don't know what I'm missing and I'm a little worried about the catalog generation being run 24 four hours, which gives me only two more attempts to know what I'm doing wrong before the event starts. How can I check that the publishing procedure was fine?

In a related matter, How can I made the installation procedure to run something at the end of it, like "GrafoscopioBrowser startDockingBar", so the new interface elements inform the user about a proper installation?

Of course I could try the previous ways to install and use grafoscopio, but I think that making it smoother on each workshop/hackathon is better (the problem is that most of these ideas come while the event is getting closer).



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