My smalltalkhub user is dorellang.


2016-04-15 17:27 GMT-03:00 stepharo <steph...@free.fr>:

> Hello Diego
> Good initiative!
> RoelTyper is not a Moose project. It is just used in moose.
> Now it would be good to check a bit (RoelTyper was made to work on
> VisualWorks and Squeak/Pharo) and
> it would be nice to make sure that we do not need the VW specificities.
> RoelTyper is managed by RMoD
> so give me you login and we will add you to the project.
> Le 14/4/16 16:52, Diego Orellana a écrit :
> Hi, Pharo Users!
>> I'm starting to work on types in Pharo. To be more precise, I'd like to
>> improve the RoelTyper (a package which "guesses" variable types in code).
>> What suggestions do you have? I have some ideas and I'm currently working
>> to find more, but it's always interesting to hear what the community has to
>> say :)
>> Oh, and by the way, I've found a bug in RoelTyper. I have a fix, but it
>> seems that RoelTyper is a Moose thing, since it's not included in the
>> vanilla Pharo image. Do you know where I could submit the fix?
>> Cheers,
>> Diego.

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