I added you.
Tell me if this is working.

Le 19/4/16 02:41, Diego Orellana a écrit :
My smalltalkhub user is dorellang.


2016-04-15 17:27 GMT-03:00 stepharo <steph...@free.fr <mailto:steph...@free.fr>>:

    Hello Diego

    Good initiative!
    RoelTyper is not a Moose project. It is just used in moose.
    Now it would be good to check a bit (RoelTyper was made to work on
    VisualWorks and Squeak/Pharo) and
    it would be nice to make sure that we do not need the VW

    RoelTyper is managed by RMoD
    so give me you login and we will add you to the project.

    Le 14/4/16 16:52, Diego Orellana a écrit :

        Hi, Pharo Users!

        I'm starting to work on types in Pharo. To be more precise,
        I'd like to improve the RoelTyper (a package which "guesses"
        variable types in code). What suggestions do you have? I have
        some ideas and I'm currently working to find more, but it's
        always interesting to hear what the community has to say :)

        Oh, and by the way, I've found a bug in RoelTyper. I have a
        fix, but it seems that RoelTyper is a Moose thing, since it's
        not included in the vanilla Pharo image. Do you know where I
        could submit the fix?


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