Hi Victor,

In addition to what Christophe said, you can do the following:

0) Start the VM from command line as you already do:

coral/pharo-vm/pharo coral/Pharo.image

1) get the pid of previous step

2) In the command line do:

 kill -SIGUSR1 XXX

That should output the smalltalk stacktrace in the stdout. And that might
give you an idea in which part it is hanging from the IMAGE side.

Hope this helps.

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 10:33 AM, Valentin Ryckewaert <
valentin.ryckewa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm currently working on the project file policy and I'm having a problem
> that I don't understand
> I import my code, configure my image as readOnly (Pharo won't try to write
> on changesFiles,source,image....), set the folder of the image in readonly
> and try to open the image again and it's not possible, I don't get any
> stacktrace so it's hard to understand the problem.
> PS : If we set back the folder in write mode, it's possible again to open
> the image again.
> Here is the code to reproduce the bug, could someone give me a clue please?
> sudo rm -r testPharo
> mkdir testPharo
> cd testPharo
> echo "Metacello new
> smalltalkhubUser: 'Uryon' project: 'Coral';
> configuration: 'Coral';
> version: #development;
> onConflictUseIncoming;
> load.
> SmalltalkImage configureSystemAsReadonlyAndQuit:true
> " >> load.st
> mkdir coral
> cd coral
> curl get.pharo.org/alpha | bash
> curl get.pharo.org/vm60 | bash
> pharo-vm/pharo Pharo.image ../load.st
> cd ..
> chmod -R -w coral
> coral/pharo-vm/pharo coral/Pharo.image


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