Again, thanks for detailed info ...

The fact that you loaded Seaside3.1.x is good enough for my purposes .. the fact that Seaside3.2 is getting installed implies that there is a hard dependency on Seaside in one of the projects (Magritte3 perhaps?) ... odd that ConfigurationOfSeaside3 wasn't downloaded this time around --- Can you get the package version of ConfigurationOfSeaside3 that's in the image after the `Metacello new` loads?... I'll have to dive into the configurations now ...


On 02/17/2017 12:44 PM, Hilaire wrote:
Hi Dale,

Thanks for your detailed suggestions. I follow instructions, here the
report bellow.

Installed newest Metacello, then Voyage with new style:

Metacello new
   baseline: 'Metacello';
   repository: 'github://dalehenrich/metacello-work:master/repository';
Metacello new
   baseline: 'Metacello';
   repository: 'github://dalehenrich/metacello-work:master/repository';
   onConflict: [:ex | ex allow];

"Fetch from voyage repo at github"
Metacello new
     repository: 'github://pharo-nosql/voyage/mc';
     baseline: 'Voyage';
     load: 'mongo tests'.

It still have the same error, do an upgrade of Seaside.
Enclosed is the transcript for both Metacello and Voyage install.

Seaside installed was 3.1.x. I don't know the x digit, it is not
documented in an obvious way :(

Hope it helps



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