On 18/02/17 16:32, Hilaire wrote:
update, this should NOT happen.
Now image comes with a Configuration Browser, if I understand correctly
its intend, an user is expected those configurations to work happily
together, but it looks like not, some configurations will request update
breaking package previously installed from this configuration browser.

That is probably its intent, but there is nothing in place making that likely. The classic example is the combination of Magritte and Seaside.
Both can be used independently, and there is no way to infer that you
are likely to want the magritte-seaside group when you install the combination. What works well is installing one configuration in a fresh image.

May be it is more a policy problem on the quality of the configuration
than a tool problem, a lot can be learn from Debian packaging.

I don't have that impression. They seem to have the same problem with old and less-used stuff.


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