> On 15. Apr 2017, at 07:59, Holger Freyther <hol...@freyther.de> wrote:
> * Why isn't the migration from Ston to Fuel more explicit?
> * Why is "load" trying to save?
> * Why is "ensure:" used instead of load?
> * Not sure why "self preferences exists" seems to end in true?

Is there an option to not run startUp options at all or single step through 
them? I have the suspicion that "exists" returns true while it should not. Will 
see how to move forward.


Breakpoint 4, dir_EntryLookup (pathString=0x84cd258 
"/home/build/.config/pharo", pathStringLength=25, nameString=0x84ce920 
"org.pharo.gt.spotter.event.recorder.fuel", nameStringLength=40, 
    name=0xfffcb1bc "", nameLength=0xfffcb1ac, creationDate=0xfffcb1a4, 
modificationDate=0xfffcb1b0, isDirectory=0xfffcb1a8, sizeIfFile=0xfffcb198, 
posixPermissions=0xfffcb1b4, isSymlink=0xfffcb1b8)
270     in 
(gdb) p printCallStack()
0xfffd41a0 M UnixStore(DiskStore)>basicEntryAt: 0x842dd28: a(n) UnixStore
0xfffd41c0 M UnixStore(DiskStore)>nodeAt:ifPresent:ifAbsent: 0x842dd28: a(n) 
0xfffd41e4 M UnixStore(FileSystemStore)>exists: 0x842dd28: a(n) UnixStore
0xfffd4200 M FileSystem>exists: 0x842dd38: a(n) FileSystem
0xfffd421c M FileReference>exists 0x84c9d78: a(n) FileReference
0xfffd4234 M FileLocator(AbstractFileReference)>exists 0x84c32c8: a(n) 
0xfffd4254 I GlobalIdentifierFuelPersistence(GlobalIdentifierPersistence)>load: 
0x84a6d40: a(n) GlobalIdentifierFuelPersistence
0xfffd4278 I 
GlobalIdentifierFuelPersistence(GlobalIdentifierPersistence)>ensure: 0x84a6d40: 
a(n) GlobalIdentifierFuelPersistence
0xfffd429c I 
GlobalIdentifierStonPersistence(GlobalIdentifierPersistence)>ensure: 0x84a6d30: 
a(n) GlobalIdentifierStonPersistence
0xfffd42c0 I GlobalIdentifier>ensure 0x84a6510: a(n) GlobalIdentifier
0xfffd42e0 I GlobalIdentifier class>initializeUniqueInstance 0x9a2def0: a(n) 
GlobalIdentifier class
0xfffd4300 I GlobalIdentifier class>uniqueInstance 0x9a2def0: a(n) 
GlobalIdentifier class
0xfffccfd0 I SystemSettingsPersistence class>resumeSystemSettings 0x9a2d9f0: 
a(n) SystemSettingsPersistence class

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