On 8/25/17, Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 11:32 PM Stephane Ducasse <stepharo.s...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> You have Netstyle/Workflow too.
> done
> "Why are you using markup documents to create the wiki when you could
> use Github wiki itself?
> For portability?"
> good question. Yes for flexibility , another reason however is that Github
> wiki is a separate repo and I did not want that because in the very back of
> my head I am considering the option of creating software to allow access to
> wiki from inside Pharo and I wanted to be all (content and code) in the
> same repo. Its a very low priority for now.
> Also Github wiki is basically the same as I am doing with some extra format
> (table of contents) , in my case I dont care because Github allows me to
> define HTML templates that will format the wiki webpage and make it look a
> a lot more polished that pharo wiki looks like. Generally there are some
> cool stuff you can do with Markdown and Github , plus the fact that
> markdown can embed HTML etc.
> There is also the option of Gitbook which has some nice features for
> generating polished and well structured documentation.
> So I like to keep my options open. For now I am focusing 100% on content.

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