
could you please add the three important Pillar links below I found
out about this week


Syntax summary



On 8/26/17, Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As I said the format is not so important for me, the reason why I chose
> markdown instead of pillar is because you can edit it using github web
> interface making it easier. The books will continue to use Pillar, because
> making a book is obviously a lot more sophisticated than creating a wiki
> that mainly has web links to various internet locations. Pillar already can
> export to markdown , latex, html and through latex it can also export to
> pdf.
> After Stef requested it, I moved the wiki inside the pharo git repository
> here
> https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo
> I also added a link to it inside the git wiki of pharo
> https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/wiki
> On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 2:17 AM Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <
> offray.l...@mutabit.com> wrote:
>> So, we're going to have Markdown for the wiki and probably for
>> documentation (via GitBooks)..., which is not surprising considering the
>> vast amount of support such documentation format has and the extensions
>> for
>> a complete documentation toolchain and features. As I said, I think that
>> is
>> an important syntax and we should put Scholarly/Pandoc Markdown in the
>> radar for documentation support in Pharo. Is what I'm doing with
>> Grafoscopio and now that Pillar support is again taking momentum, the
>> infrastructure there (parsers, highlighters, editors) could be extended
>> to
>> support Pandoc's Markdown.
>> I'll keep you posted.
>> Cheers,
>> Offray
>> On 24/08/17 17:59, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 11:32 PM Stephane Ducasse
>> <stepharo.s...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> You have Netstyle/Workflow too.
>> done
>> "Why are you using markup documents to create the wiki when you could
>> use Github wiki itself?
>> For portability?"
>> good question. Yes for flexibility , another reason however is that
>> Github
>> wiki is a separate repo and I did not want that because in the very back
>> of
>> my head I am considering the option of creating software to allow access
>> to
>> wiki from inside Pharo and I wanted to be all (content and code) in the
>> same repo. Its a very low priority for now.
>> Also Github wiki is basically the same as I am doing with some extra
>> format (table of contents) , in my case I dont care because Github allows
>> me to define HTML templates that will format the wiki webpage and make it
>> look a a lot more polished that pharo wiki looks like. Generally there
>> are
>> some cool stuff you can do with Markdown and Github , plus the fact that
>> markdown can embed HTML etc.
>> There is also the option of Gitbook which has some nice features for
>> generating polished and well structured documentation.
>> So I like to keep my options open. For now I am focusing 100% on content.

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