Hi Nicolai,

> Le 7 oct. 2017 à 09:38, Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Just starting pharolauncher on windows still does not work (if you put it 
> into the default "program" folder).
> On start, it tries to create a local direcitory "pharo-local" and does not 
> have the permission to do so.
> You need to start it with admin-rights.

A Pharo image needs write permission in the image folder to store image 
sessions (epicea) as well as other image data (package cache, play-cache, 
changes file, etc.)
Maybe we should disable Epicea and it could work in a read only environment?

For now, either you can start it with admin rights or you install Pharo 
Launcher in a user folder.


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