Modularisation is coming whether you like it or not
its called


And the more modular the image will get the more will get closer to
namespaces anyway. So frankly all I have to do is wait and if I can of
course contribute ;)

You can call it Bootstrap or the Pink Elephant for all I care, in the end
for me its about having multi layer system. That's all I care.

But you wont get an argument from me the more about the fact that the more
we wait the harder will get but again, I am not a Bootstrap contributor so
I have no right to complain. I really admire those people :D

Modularisation for personal project is super easy to do,if you do it from
the start that is,  its the existing code that is a pain in the hat to
modularise when until fairly recently even colors were hard coded into the

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 3:55 PM Esteban A. Maringolo <>

> 2017-10-13 5:55 GMT-03:00 Norbert Hartl <>:
> >
> >> Am 13.10.2017 um 10:24 schrieb stephan <>:
> >>
> >> On 13-10-17 09:55, Thierry Goubier wrote:
> >>> Because namespaces, by essence, come with serious issues. I won't take
> >>> someone seriously on namespaces until he can cite those faithfully.
> >>
> >> Let's start with the misconception that namespaces are about
> modularisation
> >>
> > +1
> +1 to this as well.
> Having modularization is like having security, very hard to add them
> later if you didn't include it in the original design.
> I'm using VisualWorks these days, and I find its namespaces something
> more of a hassle than a real use.
> If we could name Classes with a dot, that could solve most of what
> namespaces are used for in practice: avoiding name colissions.
> That's why most of the popular frameworks have prefixes like Zn, WA,
> RB, and so on and so forth. But now I'm used to prefixes, I don't need
> them. :)
> Modularity is a different beast, if you look at how some modules work
> in JS, like AMD, you see that in practice they avoid collisions by
> importin what they need from a module, and assign it to a "namespace"
> (it is not, but works as such), so they get modules first, and
> namespacing later.
> Regards,
> Esteban.

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