Hello Paulo,

its a problem to get Smalltalkers - simple as it is. I had contacts with
Smalltalkers who wanted to do Smalltalk-"only" jobs - thats impossible
to guarantee in a smaller company and perhaps a mind I would not expect
from Smalltalker.

And the point about "Main Development Language" ... well, the other
developers have also their "beloved" language and it would be a much
better idea to put their "loved" together with your "loved" language.

There are *very* good reason out there to write Windows FAT-Clients in
.NET languages or even Mac/Linux/Windows Clients with Xamarin/Microsoft
tools or even Java-world languages and HTML-Clients with some good

You have to have very good reasons (and this is NOT productivity) to
argue against this and tell the other developers, that you develop
superior solutions just because you are doing Smalltalk. This may be
true for very specific libraries (and thats not only Roassal) - not
available in other systems - but in the normal case, they will simply
win (because of the huge amount software written in other languages).

The only Smalltalk technology I found out to be worthwhile fighting for
(because other are not able to offer a similar solution) today is an
object oriented database (e.g. Gemstone/S).

Perhaps the Smalltalk community should concentrate on the idea to make
their technology open/accessable for other languages in an easy way.
This is especially true for database vendors.

Database vendors offering Java, C# and python object support and
Smalltalk as an integrated script language - that could be a very good
argument and a place where Smalltalk can survive.

So, the answer is: don't depend on the language, look for developers
working with more than one language and insert Smalltalk technology
where you *really* get benefit. And the area where Smalltalk is so much
better is getting smaller and smaller these days.


Am 19.10.2017 um 09:04 schrieb Paulo R. Dellani:
> Dear all,
> after using Smalltalk for several years I developed a passion for the
> language (how not to?), and Pharo is just so great to develop with.
> So thank you guys for keeping this wonderful project running.
> Unfortunately, it is not easy to always point out why Smalltalk
> should be employed as "main development language" in a team
> or for a project. In the last discussion of this sort I was confronted
> with the question "where are we going to get new smalltalk
> developers if our startup grows or if you go?". Well, I had no
> good answer to that. What would have you answered?
> Cheers,
> Paulo

Marten Feldtmann

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