Thank you , Andrew, for that back-story!
I really liked OS/2 and was extremely reluctant to give it up; it had a
really good design.

On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 10:59 AM, Andrew Glynn <> wrote:

> Your history is accurate, but there’s a few things I’d  like to add, due
> to having been employed by IBM at exactly that period working specifically
> on VisualAge, not only for Smalltalk, but for Java, C++ and Cobol as well.
> (my NDA’s finally having expired also helps 😉).  It’s not a correction
> or contradiction, but a complement to your description, providing a
> relevant but different perspective.
> IBM *did* tell some  of their customers to move to Java, but that was
> partly based on the existence of VisualAge for Java, which in some ways
> went beyond VA Smalltalk, in others not as far, but did make migration to
> Java easier, and in some cases possible at all.  Its replacement, Eclipse,
> simply doesn’t.  And it could do so, because as with all VisualAge
> products, it was written in Smalltalk.  One of the things that annoys me
> about the whole thing the most is that the biggest complaint, which was a
> partial but significant reason it wasn’t more popular, was from developers
> who ‘couldn’t see their files’, i.e. couldn’t edit them in vi(le) and build
> on the command line.  I heard that complaint on a project using both the
> Java and C++ versions so many times I finally responded “nobody gives a
> shit about your f*cking files”, in the middle of the office at Pratt &
> Whitney Aerospace, lol.
> Since VA for Java (and VA C++) are now abandonware, it’s an example of
> what I meant by owning a market, failing to promote it, and thereby
> destroying it, and also the reason I referred to IBM specifically as being
> ‘very good at it'
> I was involved in writing a major application in both Java and C++ using
> CORBA in 2000-2002, and on that we also used both VA C++ and VA Java.
> Otherwise, quite honestly, we may not have finished it despite having some
> brilliant people on the team, since doing CORBA manually, especially with
> object trees that use C++ multiple inheritance, can be near impossible to
> get working reliably.
> Unfortunately, due to being abandoned, the core of the app is no longer
> even buildable with current tools.  If you look at the binary jars in the
> latest release (2016) the dates on them are still mid-2002.  The most
> surprising thing to me is that they still run at all, particularly with
> Java 8 on current platforms (mainly Solaris 11 and Windows 10), considering
> they were written and built on Java 1.3.1, and although they targeted
> Windows and Solaris/AIX, were in fact written on OS/2 v. 4, because Solaris
> didn’t run at the time on any laptop, and Windows 2000 *loaded* on a high
> spec laptop for the time but couldn’t really be judged to be *running*,
> i.e. it loaded and proceeded to thrash to the degree that nothing further
> got accomplished.
> VA Smalltalk as it’s publicly available (at the not insignificant cost of
> ~$8500+ per license), is written on a base IBM Smalltalk that’s ~26 years
> old.  Instantiations has improved some things, but the core is vastly out
> of date.  Meanwhile, IBM themselves have a fully current version (the last
> version I saw, when visiting a former colleague at the lab, was released
> early last year, but is only available internally.  This wasn’t one of the
> four I referred to in my other post, but nearly qualifies as ‘publicly
> unavailable’, since the available version is not nearly the same.
> VA is also very out of date in comparison with VW, Pharo, F-Script and
> Squeak, not only in comparison with the internal version.  In particular
> the UI doesn’t fully incorporate the improvements made (largely via the
> Announcer) in Morphic and the other current Smalltalk GUI’s.  Like Swing
> and SWT, part of those improvements are there, but that in many ways only
> makes things worse.  That WindowBuilder (available free for Java in
> Eclipse, but not for free in VA Smalltalk) is in fact a simple port of the
> original Smalltalk version is demonstration enough that the UI is not
> significantly different than the UI in Eclipse itself, or in Swing, since
> Swing is also supported by WindowBuilder.
> As an example of the remaining problems, I recently reverse engineered a
> complex legacy database via the Eclipse Dali JPA tools in order to make it
> available to BIRT / Talend for reporting.  On an i7 with the DB on an SSD,
> it took over 950 CPU hours to complete.  As of today, it has been in
> process of exiting for another 140 CPU hours, trying to catch up with the
> events triggered by Dali.
> Perhaps that helps understand why I’m not thrilled with even some of the
> better libraries in many other environments.
> Outside Smalltalk and languages with IDE’s written in it.   OS/2 is a
> great example of owning a market, then destroying it by not promoting it.
> OS/2 never owned the mainstream market of course, but what it did largely
> own was the smaller but sometimes crucial market for PC based systems that
> could run complex software reliably. Despite having ‘killed’ OS/2 13 years
> ago, version 5.0 came out in June, released by a “company” of former IBM
> people financed by IBM, whose company name means “new box”.
> The reason IBM can’t completely kill it is that companies who can’t move
> software off it, because every attempt to do so (to either Windows Server
> or different forms of *nix) has failed, in some cases over a dozen times,
> include such small entities as Boeing, MIT, NASA, the US government,
> including all four branches of the military, all of the world’s airlines,
> GE, Rolls Royce, Pratt & Whitney, GM, Siemens, AT&T, and Citibank, just to
> name a few I know of (and none are exactly publicizing the fact).  Despite
> the existence, today, of both Linux and Solaris on x86, and the
> improvements between Windows NT in the 1990’s and Windows Server today,
> institutions with fairly capable developers, such as MIT and Bell Labs,
> just to name two, can’t port software they simultaneously can’t be without,
> to any of those platforms.  There *is* a specific technology in OS/2 not
> available elsewhere that is the main culprit, the Distributed System Object
> Model.  Somewhat ironically though, one of the main uses of SOM/DSOM is to
> provide the type of live object manipulation and debugging to the core
> environment (and in a distributed manner) common in dialects of Smalltalk
> but virtually unknown otherwise.
> The person I learned Java RMI, JINI and J2EE architecture from was, by
> happenstance, the same person who architected OS/2.  A somewhat humorous
> story is that IBM dropped out of a project begun with Sun in the late
> 1990’s to write a pure JavaOS.  IBM’s reason for dropping out was
> embarrassment at the fact that pure Java apps ran faster on OS/2 than on
> the pure JavaOS.  Sun couldn’t at the time afford to complete it on their
> own so it disappeared, as unreleased products do, without even the marginal
> trace of existing on abandonware sites.  That person was also,
> unsurprisingly, one of the key developers of IBM Smalltalk.
> I’m not claiming that IBM or anyone else does such things in a completely
> aware way.  Rather, the fact that efficient environments are difficult to
> build without significant time and resources (both are necessary because no
> matter how many resources are available, rushing the development will
> result in mistakes that have to be fixed later, giving the environment an
> unstable base to build on), combined with the advantage industry
> inefficiencies provide to the companies *with* those resources, makes the
> situation relatively easy to reinforce *without *really needing to admit
> what you’re doing, particularly to yourself.
> Andrew
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *
> *Sent: *Monday, October 23, 2017 3:32 AM
> *To: *Any question about pharo is welcome <>
> *Subject: *Re: [Pharo-users] perspective request for those earning a
> living fromSmalltalk
> Petr,
> I've been working as a Consultant for many big corporations (mainly in
> VA Smalltalk) since 1996. The situation you describe is very well known
> to me. But in my opinion there is no technical reason for this. It's a
> managerial problem. Ever since IBM went out to their customers and told
> them to move to Java for the better ini the mid-90ies, managers wanted
> the Smalltalk projects to go away as fast as possible. Nobody asked why
> IBM was still happily using VisualAge Smalltalk internally at that time
> frame....
> So the Smalltalk projects were declared legacy by Management.
> Replacement projects were started with big efforts and optimism. Some
> went well, some somewhat came to fly in a bit more than double the time
> and much more times the costthan planned, some failed miserably. One
> thing was in common to the replacement projects all over the place: they
> took much longer, turned out to be much mor complicated and took a lot
> more manpower than anybody had ever imagined.
> So two important things happened:
> 1) People were told the old Smalltalk stuff would be gone soon, so if
> you wanted to be a valued and appreciated staff member, you better stay
> away from these projects
> 2) The people who knew the business and technical side of the existing
> projects were moved to the new projects. Some liked it (because of 1)
> some were frustrated (because they knew / feared the new project was
> going to be a death march)
> Over the first 2 years or so, nobody realized how bad the situation
> really was. It was easy to postpone user requirements to the new
> project, accumulate more and more manpower in the new project and still
> keep up green flags everywhere.
> ...until yellow was the new green and users/stakeholders wanted the new
> features NOW - and not one day when the replacement project would become
> real.
> So the remaining manpower in the old project (not the ones with lots of
> experience and knowledge) had to extend the old system, integrate it
> with the new system (thereby implementing all the stuff that IBM once
> told their management would never be possible in Smalltalk) and keep it
> up and ranning year after year. Nobody ever said Thank You or would
> appreciate the work they did. Because that was old stuff anyways and was
> already irrelevant.
> Some of these old systems still exist today, serving users every single
> day, while some of the new systems never appeared. No manpower was ever
> added to these projects, and never would anybody ever say: okay, guys,
> you won. They still work on legacy code and try to do their best to
> fulfill user requirements. While on other projects that never see the
> light of day, people get appreciation, are allowed to work with new
> technologies and do cool stuff. Nobody ever asked the Smalltalkers
> whether they could do that as well, because "if you want to do web, you
> need to do Java". IBM said so, you know (and many other consultants as
> well).
> So this is why new people try to stay away from these old projects. This
> is why the remaining staff is frustrated and this is why nobody allows
> them to do the cool things that Smalltalk can do as well as the others.
> They are just required to fix bugs, add new features in the old GUIs and
> else keep silent. Some of them were trying to fight this and tried to
> prove Smalltalk's strengths, but back then nobody would listen. One day
> they gave up.
> Management still frustrates people every. single. day.
> Just my opinion
> Joachim
> Am 22.10.17 um 18:56 schrieb Petr Fischer:
> > Here. (But from one point of view, it's a litte misery, 10-20 year old
> code sometimes, a mess, old VAST, absolutely no interest from young
> colleagues with no experience to willingly learn something about Smalltalk
> etc etc.).
> >
> > If I bring up enough arguments, we will use Gemstone+Pharo tools in the
> future, which is a dream for me... but, we will see...
> >
> > pf
> >
> >> At
> >> the question is asked... "Does anyone on here program in Smalltalk
> >> professionally? Not to get off topic, but I'm curious and would like to
> >> know how it stacks up compared to what they did previously? "
> >>
> >> If you've earning a living from programming Smalltalk, please drop a
> >> comment there.
> >>
> >> cheers -ben
> >
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel
> Fliederweg 1               
> D-71640 Ludwigsburg        
> Telefon: +49 7141 56 10 86 0         Fax: +49 7141 56 10 86 1

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