They did just release 5.0 in June, lol.  

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Sent: Monday, November 6, 2017 2:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] perspective request for those earning a 

A tiny example why OS/2 was great: 

You could have two printer instances on your desktop for colour printers: one 
for a b/w printing and one for Colour printing. You could even have another one 
for printing from tray 1,2, or duplex. You still can't do that in Windows these 
days (about 20 years later) and even on a Mac it is complicated and hard to 

Great does not necessarily mean great money. So things get abandoned no matter 
how great they are ;-)


Am 28.10.17 um 20:11 schrieb Richard Sargent:
Thank you , Andrew, for that back-story!
I really liked OS/2 and was extremely reluctant to give it up; it had a really 
good design.

On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 10:59 AM, Andrew Glynn <> wrote:
Your history is accurate, but there’s a few things I’d  like to add, due to 
having been employed by IBM at exactly that period working specifically on 
VisualAge, not only for Smalltalk, but for Java, C++ and Cobol as well.  (my 
NDA’s finally having expired also helps 😉).  It’s not a correction or 
contradiction, but a complement to your description, providing a relevant but 
different perspective.
IBM did tell some  of their customers to move to Java, but that was partly 
based on the existence of VisualAge for Java, which in some ways went beyond VA 
Smalltalk, in others not as far, but did make migration to Java easier, and in 
some cases possible at all.  Its replacement, Eclipse, simply doesn’t.  And it 
could do so, because as with all VisualAge products, it was written in 
Smalltalk.  One of the things that annoys me about the whole thing the most is 
that the biggest complaint, which was a partial but significant reason it 
wasn’t more popular, was from developers who ‘couldn’t see their files’, i.e. 
couldn’t edit them in vi(le) and build on the command line.  I heard that 
complaint on a project using both the Java and C++ versions so many times I 
finally responded “nobody gives a shit about your f*cking files”, in the middle 
of the office at Pratt & Whitney Aerospace, lol.
Since VA for Java (and VA C++) are now abandonware, it’s an example of what I 
meant by owning a market, failing to promote it, and thereby destroying it, and 
also the reason I referred to IBM specifically as being ‘very good at it'  
I was involved in writing a major application in both Java and C++ using CORBA 
in 2000-2002, and on that we also used both VA C++ and VA Java.  Otherwise, 
quite honestly, we may not have finished it despite having some brilliant 
people on the team, since doing CORBA manually, especially with object trees 
that use C++ multiple inheritance, can be near impossible to get working 
Unfortunately, due to being abandoned, the core of the app is no longer even 
buildable with current tools.  If you look at the binary jars in the latest 
release (2016) the dates on them are still mid-2002.  The most surprising thing 
to me is that they still run at all, particularly with Java 8 on current 
platforms (mainly Solaris 11 and Windows 10), considering they were written and 
built on Java 1.3.1, and although they targeted Windows and Solaris/AIX, were 
in fact written on OS/2 v. 4, because Solaris didn’t run at the time on any 
laptop, and Windows 2000 loaded on a high spec laptop for the time but couldn’t 
really be judged to be running, i.e. it loaded and proceeded to thrash to the 
degree that nothing further got accomplished.
VA Smalltalk as it’s publicly available (at the not insignificant cost of 
~$8500+ per license), is written on a base IBM Smalltalk that’s ~26 years old.  
Instantiations has improved some things, but the core is vastly out of date.  
Meanwhile, IBM themselves have a fully current version (the last version I saw, 
when visiting a former colleague at the lab, was released early last year, but 
is only available internally.  This wasn’t one of the four I referred to in my 
other post, but nearly qualifies as ‘publicly unavailable’, since the available 
version is not nearly the same.  
VA is also very out of date in comparison with VW, Pharo, F-Script and Squeak, 
not only in comparison with the internal version.  In particular the UI doesn’t 
fully incorporate the improvements made (largely via the Announcer) in Morphic 
and the other current Smalltalk GUI’s.  Like Swing and SWT, part of those 
improvements are there, but that in many ways only makes things worse.  That 
WindowBuilder (available free for Java in Eclipse, but not for free in VA 
Smalltalk) is in fact a simple port of the original Smalltalk version is 
demonstration enough that the UI is not significantly different than the UI in 
Eclipse itself, or in Swing, since Swing is also supported by WindowBuilder.
As an example of the remaining problems, I recently reverse engineered a 
complex legacy database via the Eclipse Dali JPA tools in order to make it 
available to BIRT / Talend for reporting.  On an i7 with the DB on an SSD, it 
took over 950 CPU hours to complete.  As of today, it has been in process of 
exiting for another 140 CPU hours, trying to catch up with the events triggered 
by Dali.
Perhaps that helps understand why I’m not thrilled with even some of the better 
libraries in many other environments.
Outside Smalltalk and languages with IDE’s written in it.   OS/2 is a great 
example of owning a market, then destroying it by not promoting it.  OS/2 never 
owned the mainstream market of course, but what it did largely own was the 
smaller but sometimes crucial market for PC based systems that could run 
complex software reliably. Despite having ‘killed’ OS/2 13 years ago, version 
5.0 came out in June, released by a “company” of former IBM people financed by 
IBM, whose company name means “new box”.  
The reason IBM can’t completely kill it is that companies who can’t move 
software off it, because every attempt to do so (to either Windows Server or 
different forms of *nix) has failed, in some cases over a dozen times, include 
such small entities as Boeing, MIT, NASA, the US government, including all four 
branches of the military, all of the world’s airlines, GE, Rolls Royce, Pratt & 
Whitney, GM, Siemens, AT&T, and Citibank, just to name a few I know of (and 
none are exactly publicizing the fact).  Despite the existence, today, of both 
Linux and Solaris on x86, and the improvements between Windows NT in the 1990’s 
and Windows Server today, institutions with fairly capable developers, such as 
MIT and Bell Labs, just to name two, can’t port software they simultaneously 
can’t be without, to any of those platforms.  There is a specific technology in 
OS/2 not available elsewhere that is the main culprit, the Distributed System 
Object Model.  Somewhat ironically though, one of the main uses of SOM/DSOM is 
to provide the type of live object manipulation and debugging to the core 
environment (and in a distributed manner) common in dialects of Smalltalk but 
virtually unknown otherwise.
The person I learned Java RMI, JINI and J2EE architecture from was, by 
happenstance, the same person who architected OS/2.  A somewhat humorous story 
is that IBM dropped out of a project begun with Sun in the late 1990’s to write 
a pure JavaOS.  IBM’s reason for dropping out was embarrassment at the fact 
that pure Java apps ran faster on OS/2 than on the pure JavaOS.  Sun couldn’t 
at the time afford to complete it on their own so it disappeared, as unreleased 
products do, without even the marginal trace of existing on abandonware sites.  
That person was also, unsurprisingly, one of the key developers of IBM 
I’m not claiming that IBM or anyone else does such things in a completely aware 
way.  Rather, the fact that efficient environments are difficult to build 
without significant time and resources (both are necessary because no matter 
how many resources are available, rushing the development will result in 
mistakes that have to be fixed later, giving the environment an unstable base 
to build on), combined with the advantage industry inefficiencies provide to 
the companies with those resources, makes the situation relatively easy to 
reinforce without really needing to admit what you’re doing, particularly to 
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2017 3:32 AM
To: Any question about pharo is welcome
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] perspective request for those earning a living 
I've been working as a Consultant for many big corporations (mainly in 
VA Smalltalk) since 1996. The situation you describe is very well known 
to me. But in my opinion there is no technical reason for this. It's a 
managerial problem. Ever since IBM went out to their customers and told 
them to move to Java for the better ini the mid-90ies, managers wanted 
the Smalltalk projects to go away as fast as possible. Nobody asked why 
IBM was still happily using VisualAge Smalltalk internally at that time 
So the Smalltalk projects were declared legacy by Management. 
Replacement projects were started with big efforts and optimism. Some 
went well, some somewhat came to fly in a bit more than double the time 
and much more times the costthan planned, some failed miserably. One 
thing was in common to the replacement projects all over the place: they 
took much longer, turned out to be much mor complicated and took a lot 
more manpower than anybody had ever imagined.
So two important things happened:
1) People were told the old Smalltalk stuff would be gone soon, so if 
you wanted to be a valued and appreciated staff member, you better stay 
away from these projects
2) The people who knew the business and technical side of the existing 
projects were moved to the new projects. Some liked it (because of 1) 
some were frustrated (because they knew / feared the new project was 
going to be a death march)
Over the first 2 years or so, nobody realized how bad the situation 
really was. It was easy to postpone user requirements to the new 
project, accumulate more and more manpower in the new project and still 
keep up green flags everywhere.
...until yellow was the new green and users/stakeholders wanted the new 
features NOW - and not one day when the replacement project would become 
So the remaining manpower in the old project (not the ones with lots of 
experience and knowledge) had to extend the old system, integrate it 
with the new system (thereby implementing all the stuff that IBM once 
told their management would never be possible in Smalltalk) and keep it 
up and ranning year after year. Nobody ever said Thank You or would 
appreciate the work they did. Because that was old stuff anyways and was 
already irrelevant.
Some of these old systems still exist today, serving users every single 
day, while some of the new systems never appeared. No manpower was ever 
added to these projects, and never would anybody ever say: okay, guys, 
you won. They still work on legacy code and try to do their best to 
fulfill user requirements. While on other projects that never see the 
light of day, people get appreciation, are allowed to work with new 
technologies and do cool stuff. Nobody ever asked the Smalltalkers 
whether they could do that as well, because "if you want to do web, you 
need to do Java". IBM said so, you know (and many other consultants as 
So this is why new people try to stay away from these old projects. This 
is why the remaining staff is frustrated and this is why nobody allows 
them to do the cool things that Smalltalk can do as well as the others. 
They are just required to fix bugs, add new features in the old GUIs and 
else keep silent. Some of them were trying to fight this and tried to 
prove Smalltalk's strengths, but back then nobody would listen. One day 
they gave up.
Management still frustrates people every. single. day.
Just my opinion
Am 22.10.17 um 18:56 schrieb Petr Fischer:
> Here. (But from one point of view, it's a litte misery, 10-20 year old code 
> sometimes, a mess, old VAST, absolutely no interest from young colleagues 
> with no experience to willingly learn something about Smalltalk etc etc.).
> If I bring up enough arguments, we will use Gemstone+Pharo tools in the 
> future, which is a dream for me... but, we will see...
> pf
>> At
>> the question is asked... "Does anyone on here program in Smalltalk
>> professionally? Not to get off topic, but I'm curious and would like to
>> know how it stacks up compared to what they did previously? "
>> If you've earning a living from programming Smalltalk, please drop a
>> comment there.
>> cheers -ben
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Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel
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