I’ll agree that YAML is not an ideal syntax - but I have to also add that I 
wasn’t that impressed with Travis either, and reading between the lines its the 
combo of both that might be catching you out.

Even with a few glitches, I’ve been impressed with GitLab although the team I 
worked with recently found that CircleCI was more to their liking. In both 
cases you have much more control about what is going on. It may be that you 
need something a bit more heavy duty - and it might be worth checking out some 
of the alternatives.


> On 10 Nov 2017, at 18:20, Stephane Ducasse <stepharo.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For your information.
> We got some problem with travis (what a bad idea to have a syntax like
> yaml - our industry is looping , even xml is better).
> we spent more than 30 min trying with Guille and Andrew to use bash in
> a script section (while this is working in some guille project)
> it does not in other just because yaml does not know who to find the
> end of a line....
> Terrible!
> Stef
> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 8:15 AM, stephan <step...@stack.nl> wrote:
>> On 27-10-17 12:39, laurent laffont wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> my team starts to use QCMagritte. For our needs we have imported
>>> SmalltalkHub repository to Github here:
>>> https://github.com/Afibre/QCMagritte
>>> I don't know if you (Diego, Stephan, Tobias) plan to use Github
>>> instead of SmalltalkHub. At least Github allows branches & pull
>>> request.
>> Definitely, and I'm still struggling a bit with Iceberg. I would definitely
>> favor a setup where the whole open source part is build on each commit using
>> travis and images are put on (e.g.) bitbucket.
>> The current jenkins builds are waiting for Diego to finish some changes, and
>> he is a bit distracted with plans for a new house.
>> Tobias told me he's also interested, so I assume he'll provide a modified
>> baseline for other platforms.
>> At a certain point we might want to fold all of QCMagritte back into
>> Magritte, but that is a discussion for later I think.
>> Stephan

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