Hmm, yes, seems broken, duh.

$ curl | bash

works fine though.

It is not possible to offer a single solution for 'Linux' as there are 100s of 
distributions, package managers, and individual preferences and tastes. That is 
what GNU/Linux is for. It also assumes you know what you are doing (i.e. 
understand the command line).

> On 5 Dec 2017, at 16:10, horrido <> wrote:
> Then clearly there is something seriously wrong with the Default GNU/Linux
> download. It does not contain a file called 'pharo-ui'.
> Moreover, since the Pharo6.1.image file is located in the 'shared' folder,
> you'd have to CD to 'shared' to execute your command. No mention of this
> anywhere! How is a newbie to know???
> Also, there is absolutely no indication that: (a) you need to download a VM;
> and (b) where you can obtain this VM from. All in all, this Linux support is
> quite messed up. It would be safer to remove it completely from,
> rather than confusing the hell out of a visitor to
> Stephane Ducasse-3 wrote
>> On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 5:49 AM, horrido &lt;
>> horrido.hobbies@
>> &gt; wrote:
>>> Understood. I'm working on a Pharo Quick Start guide. If it passes muster
>>> with you guys, you may want to link to it, or incorporate its contents
>>> into
>>> the website.
>> Sure let us know.
>>> However, I've stumbled on an odd obstacle: downloading and running the
>>> Default GNU/Linux zip file. According to the Linux installation page, and
>>> I
>>> quote:
>>> Version 6.1 for several common GNU/Linux configurations. The zip files
>>> contain everything necessary. Just download and run the executable. For
>>> more
>>> download options, see the sections below.
>> ./pharo-ui Pharo61.image &
>>> I am unable to "run the executable" without further explanation. I'm
>>> guessing that it's missing the Pharo VM, which apparently isn't included
>>> in
>>> the download.
>> Why would it be?
>>> A newbie looking at this installation page and trying to get started with
>>> Pharo under Linux would be totally confused and frustrated. Hell, *I'm
>>> totally confused and frustrated!*
>> As you see this can be fixed without losing more time on that.
>>> Stephane Ducasse-3 wrote
>>>> Hi
>>>> We have a full mooc with 90 videos, we have books. And we are super
>>>> busy.
>>>> You see we cannot do everything.
>>>> Stef
>>>> On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 5:15 AM, horrido &lt;
>>>> horrido.hobbies@
>>>> &gt; wrote:
>>>>> Speaking of which, one of my readers said he tried out Pharo recently
>>>>> and
>>>>> found the documentation wanting. He was expecting a Getting Started
>>>>> guide
>>>>> at
>>>>> the website and couldn't find one. So he had to blunder
>>>>> around
>>>>> a
>>>>> bit.
>>>>> I told him he could've looked at "Chapter 2: A quick tour of Pharo" in
>>>>> the
>>>>> *Pharo by Example 5* book, but he's right. There ought to be something
>>>>> obvious at the website that helps a newbie get Pharo up and
>>>>> running, understand how to basically use the Pharo IDE, and write the
>>>>> standard "Hello World" program.
>>>>> I checked out and found the same documentation issue! Why is
>>>>> this???
>>>>> Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2 wrote
>>>>>> Documentation is going well. In fact the stuff that kept me away of
>>>>>> Squeak, despite of its potential was the lack of documentation. "The
>>>>>> artifact is the curriculum" was to powerful but too heavy. You need a
>>>>>> way to understand how to deconstruct and navigate the artifact that is
>>>>>> usually anchored with the culture you have (books and reading) instead
>>>>>> of only launching inspectors os browsing the code. Grafoscopio is my
>>>>>> attempt to fill that gap between the world of objects/simulations and
>>>>>> the world of scripts/documents.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Offray
>>>>> --
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>>> --
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> --
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