Understood. I'm working on a Pharo Quick Start guide. If it passes muster
with you guys, you may want to link to it, or incorporate its contents into
the pharo.org website.

However, I've stumbled on an odd obstacle: downloading and running the
Default GNU/Linux zip file. According to the Linux installation page, and I

Version 6.1 for several common GNU/Linux configurations. The zip files
contain everything necessary. Just download and run the executable. For more
download options, see the sections below.

I am unable to "run the executable" without further explanation. I'm
guessing that it's missing the Pharo VM, which apparently isn't included in
the download.

A newbie looking at this installation page and trying to get started with
Pharo under Linux would be totally confused and frustrated. Hell, *I'm
totally confused and frustrated!*

Stephane Ducasse-3 wrote
> Hi
> We have a full mooc with 90 videos, we have books. And we are super busy.
> You see we cannot do everything.
> Stef
> On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 5:15 AM, horrido <

> horrido.hobbies@

> > wrote:
>> Speaking of which, one of my readers said he tried out Pharo recently and
>> found the documentation wanting. He was expecting a Getting Started guide
>> at
>> the pharo.org website and couldn't find one. So he had to blunder around
>> a
>> bit.
>> I told him he could've looked at "Chapter 2: A quick tour of Pharo" in
>> the
>> *Pharo by Example 5* book, but he's right. There ought to be something
>> obvious at the pharo.org website that helps a newbie get Pharo up and
>> running, understand how to basically use the Pharo IDE, and write the
>> standard "Hello World" program.
>> I checked out squeak.org and found the same documentation issue! Why is
>> this???
>> Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2 wrote
>>> Documentation is going well. In fact the stuff that kept me away of
>>> Squeak, despite of its potential was the lack of documentation. "The
>>> artifact is the curriculum" was to powerful but too heavy. You need a
>>> way to understand how to deconstruct and navigate the artifact that is
>>> usually anchored with the culture you have (books and reading) instead
>>> of only launching inspectors os browsing the code. Grafoscopio is my
>>> attempt to fill that gap between the world of objects/simulations and
>>> the world of scripts/documents.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Offray
>> --
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