On 11 December 2017 at 03:08, henry <he...@callistohouse.club> wrote:

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] HMAC-SHA512
> Local Time: December 10, 2017 1:20 PM
> UTC Time: December 10, 2017 6:20 PM
> From: s...@stfx.eu
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
> On 10 Dec 2017, at 17:46, Ben Coman b...@openinworld.com wrote:
> Thanks Sven. Its interesting to trace that through to put other stuff I've
> read about HMAC into perspective.
> However SHA256 != SHA512 which is a defined requirement of the site I'm
> accessing.
> I was too quick.
> There is also http://www.samadhiweb.com/blog/2017.02.18.shacrypt.html
> I prefer code written in Pharo, but if you need real performance, then
> native code will be needed. Are you sure SHA512 is not in the Cryptography
> package ?
> SHA512 is not in the Cryptography package, but it would be great to see it
> there, with an appropriate plugin, of course, for performance. I am toying
> with the idea of extending SSL to include TLS 1.3, and that would require
> SHA512, plus it would be great to keep the Cryptography package current.
> Adding TLS 1.3 would be a fair amount of work requiring Diffie-Hellman
> group extensions to ephemeral elliptic curves, in addition. I am unsure
> what symmetric ciphers are used by TLS 1.3 also. The advantage is that it
> is automatically cross-platform, even with plugin generation, such that
> Cryptography could be used on the big 3 as well as on ARM, Android and iOS.
> I'll keep dreaming about it.

Given that SSL is "so last century"   [
with security issues   [Section 2.2
and latency improvements in upcoming TLS1.3   [
perhaps this would make a good bounty to be done outside the current
planned work for engineering resources.
There seem several potential resources available  [

Could a plan be made to address TLS?

cheers -ben

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