Smalltalk/X has both #min:max: and #clampBetween:and:
in its  Dolphin 7 has neither.

The definition of #clampBetween:and: in ST/X is

clampBetween: min and: max
    max < self ifTrue: [^max].
    self < min ifTrue: [^min].

I've deleted the comment because it doesn't help with the question
"what is the CONTRACT for this method?"  In particular, you would
naturally expect from the name that
    (x clampBetween: y and: z) between: y and: z
    3 clampBetween: 2 and: 1  ==>  1
    1 between: 2 and: 1  ==>  false

On 22 April 2018 at 04:35, Hilaire <> wrote:

> The #min:max: message is present in the Squeak/Pharo/Cuis familly but not
> in GNU Smalltalk for example. No idea about the other ones.
> Le 21/04/2018 à 00:12, Chris Cunningham a écrit :
>> A name like this would be clearer (although much more annoying):
>> returnAtLeast: minValue butNoMoreThan: maxValue
>>     10 returnAtLeast: 12 butNoMoreThan: 48
> --
> Dr. Geo

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