
Am 26.06.18 um 21:41 schrieb Norbert Hartl:

Am 26.06.2018 um 20:44 schrieb Andrei Stebakov < <>>:

What would be an example for load balancer for Pharo images? Can we run multiple images on the same server or for the sake of balancing configuration we can only run one image per server?

There are a lot of possibilities. You can start multiple images on different ports and use nginx with an upstream rule to load balance. I would recommend using docker for spawning multiple images on a host. Again with nginx as frontend load balancer. The point is that you can have at least twice as muh inages running then you have CPU cores. And of course a lot more.

the last time I checked nginx, the load balancing and sticky session stuff was not available in the free edition. So I guess you either pay for nginx (which I think is good) or you know some free 3d party addons...

I wonder what exactly the benefit of Docker is in that game? On our servers we run 10 images on 4 cores with HT (8 virtual cores) and very rareley have real performance problems. We use Glorp, so there is a lot of SQL queriing going on for quite basic things already. So my guess would be that your "2 images per core"  are conservative and leave air for even a third one, depending on all the factors already discussed here.

What's not to underestimate is all the stuff around monitoring and restarting images when things go wrong, but that's another story...


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