On 11/07/2018 21:21, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
> Paul DeBruicker wrote
>> It also seems like a "how much milk do you like in your coffee?" choice
>> where the tradeoffs between one vs the other isn't high and the code in
>> action will let you know whether you've got it right.   
> +1. I also use both. My heuristic is for shorter methods, and methods with
> one argument, I tend to lean toward fullNameString and when I need to
> differentiate multiple arguments or reference the arg way down in a method
> (probably a good sign to refactor) I lean the other way. But I think Paul
> said it best that it's probably more a personal style/aesthetic choice than
> anything worth spending a lot of energy on.

+1 to both.

Although a in method like: #setFirstName:lastName: I usually use
firstNameString and lastNameString respectively, mostly to not clash
with instance variables firstName and lastName.

Another criteria is to never name a parameter as aSomething if Something
isn't a class (and of course the class of the passed argument). The same
applies to #asSomething.

And _never_ use anObject as name, unless it really can hold any class of

Esteban A. Maringolo

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