On Sat, Dec 22, 2018 at 02:07:06PM -0500, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
> In your setup, you talk about SmallCMS1 as a blog engine that runs on
> Pharo 6 and seems kind of integrated with Fossil. Brea [1] (in early
> stages now), pursuits similar goals. Do you have any link to SmallCMS1?

Hi Offray,

I wrote SmallCMS1 as a programming exercise. Its code is like a ball of
wax and I have no plan to release it. 

It's not particularly integrated to Fossil per se. SmallCMS1 serves
content from an open Fossil repo. The repo has a push-hook defined and
there is a Fossil server running for that repo.  When I 'fossil push'
from my laptop to the server, the push-hook is triggered to update the
repo, and the new content is transparently served by SmallCMS1. The
mechanism is conceptually similar to Git push hooks on which much has
been written.

I blogged about the pre-Docker setup.


I'm not satisfied with the way the Fossil thing is done for several
reasons, but hey it works for me on my computers. :-)

> [1] https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/brea/

Good stuff!


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