Thank you very much.

Just to be clear, even if I'd love to be able to do such things, working in
Pharo is far from being a pain. Those things are just "nice to have".
Even if I don't find easy ways to do what I'd like to, I can always do it
myself, my way. Furthermore, it'd be good for me to do so.
That's why I think Pharo (and Smalltalk) is what Paul Graham describes as
the Bulb paradox.

El jue., 24 ene. 2019 a las 19:54, Dimitris Chloupis (<>)

> yeah the System Browser has some shortcuts that you can find if you click
> that down arrow in top right corner of the window
> About getting Window info, that is tricky, all is available through
> Morphic but Morphic is kinda messy. So if you are willing to do the hard
> work its definetly doable , you can create your own shortcuts etc.
> Finding the leftmost probably you will ask the World morph about all
> windows , ask each window whether its opened and if yes where is located
> (morph >>position)
> I think the focus is in SystemWindow >> isActive , look also at
> basicActivate for a better idea what activation means
> For groups there is isEmbeded , also Morph >> embededMorphs
> No idea about the Playground, it keeps timestamped session of whatever you
> do so there is definetly something
> Yeah Pharo is not Emacs that's for sure. Mainly because we attract people
> who are mouse driven, people who are keyboard driven tend to avoid IDEs.
> Its doable , its just not available out of the box.
> I can feel your pain though, this has been an issue for me with Pharo, the
> power is there, but its not easy to access. However to be fair Emacs has
> been around a lot longer and has far larger community of contributors so
> its no wonder it can do these things with ease. Emacs also has amazing
> documentation. But sadly is no IDE and its shortcuts is pure insanity, but
> then I am a mouse person myself. Ironically I was raised on CLIs and I
> always hated them with passion :D
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 8:32 PM Jose San Leandro <>
> wrote:
>> I don't want to hijack this thread, but it would be useful for me to have
>> a cheatsheet to allow me to do the usual operations I do with the mouse,
>> programatically. I've had some difficulties with simple things in the past.
>> For example, to delete all Transcript or Playground windows, I use calls
>> such as
>> (World submorphs select: [ :w | ((w model printString beginsWith: 'a
>>> GTPlayground') or: [ w model printString beginsWith: 'Transcript' ]) not ])
>>> do: [ :w | w delete ].
>> I'm missing ways to query World submorphs to know exactly my target
>> instance. For example:
>> - Which is the leftmost window?
>> - Which window has the focus?
>> - Which windows have "grouping" enabled?
>> - Which Playground instance I used more recently?
>> And operations such as:
>> - Maximize morph.
>> - Activate "class side" in Nautilus.
>> - Select "accessing" protocol.
>> - Select package X.
>> - Select "Hierarchy".
>> - Choose the next child when "hierarchy" is active.
>>> - Resize the method panel.
>> Also, basic things like:
>> - Move to the next word.
>> - Highlight previous word.
>> - Highlight current line.
>> That would be very helpful for me. I'm not saying it's difficult to do,
>> I'm just saying for me it'd be helpful.
>> That's basically why I love Emacs, because I can do with the keyboard
>> anything that can be done with the mouse, and more.
>> Thanks!
>> El jue., 24 ene. 2019 a las 19:05, Dimitris Chloupis (<
>>>) escribió:
>>> Playground is a REPL inside Pharo so I am not sure I understand what you
>>> are asking. Everything in Pharo is just Classes and methods so you can do
>>> whatever you want. If you are a bit more descriptive maybe I can help you
>>> more. There is no such thing as a bad idea, just an idea that has not
>>> mature enough :D
>>> On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 7:53 PM Jose San Leandro <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I was aware of that. I was imaging a way to use the tools available in
>>>> Pharo, but within a REPL session.
>>>> Probably a bad idea anyway. I just think the mouse is useful when
>>>> exploring, but it's ridiculously inefficient once you know exactly what you
>>>> want to do.
>>>> In my 4k monitor I often feel like if I was saying "no, I want to
>>>> resize the window, not moving it, not changing the focus, thanks". I have
>>>> to waste time being accurate enough with the mouse, because it's the
>>>> expected way to communicate with live objects. Mouse, then keyboard. Not
>>>> good.
>>>> El jue., 24 ene. 2019 a las 18:36, Dimitris Chloupis (<
>>>>>) escribió:
>>>>> "I am sure there will always be skeptics. But my own experience was
>>>>> different. For me, the most weird thing about Squeak (and now Pharo)
>>>>> IDE
>>>>> is its insistence in showing only one method at a time. A method is
>>>>> too
>>>>> small a chunk of code. It is easy to miss the forest for the trees. In
>>>>> Dimitris video, you see lots more code in one glance in vim session.
>>>>> So
>>>>> there are pragmatic reasons why some coders fallback to using fileOuts
>>>>> for browsing classes."
>>>>> I could not agree more , I find the column GUI weird and a waste of
>>>>> space. This is why I have ended up relying a lot on GTSpotter (finder)
>>>>> which help me browse classes a lot faster than the class browser. Kinda
>>>>> ironic.
>>>>> I am using Pharo since 2011. I am still dont like Class Browser :D
>>>>> "In summary, if someone misses Emacs or Vim when working with Pharo,
>>>>> it could be due to:
>>>>> - being stuck in the file-based way to think of coding.
>>>>> "
>>>>> Its a common misconception that Pharo does not heavily rely on text
>>>>> files, it actually does. Not only the source file makes it possible to 
>>>>> view
>>>>> the code even the oldest method of version control tha Pharo being a fork,
>>>>> inherited from Squeak, the known mcz files they may look small binary 
>>>>> files
>>>>> like the Pharo image but they are merely zip files with source code text
>>>>> files with the st extension.
>>>>> The image is merely the bytecode, the VMs machine code sort of, the
>>>>> actually source works the same way as other languages. Like other 
>>>>> languages
>>>>> you dont need the source code to execute , only the bytecode. What makes
>>>>> the image special is that its one file and its a memory dump which makes 
>>>>> it
>>>>> easy to store both live code and live state. Which is very helpful,
>>>>> technically its mandatory for true live coding, but still Pharo has to 
>>>>> rely
>>>>> on source code files to make our lives easy. From there on is just a
>>>>> question whether you break the source code files in several small ones, or
>>>>> keep one large.
>>>>> "Besides that, is there an easy way to run an image in text-only mode,
>>>>> with a REPL or a playground or something like that?"
>>>>> Yeap its possible and has been around for a very long time. Pharo also
>>>>> makes it dead easy to expose any method as command line argument, so its
>>>>> possible to code completely from the command line although definitely not
>>>>> recommended.
>>>>> Deep Into Pharo book explains how.
>>>>> On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 7:17 PM K K Subbu <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 24/01/19 9:47 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >> On 24 Jan 2019, at 17:04, K K Subbu <> wrote:
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> On 24/01/19 7:23 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>>>>>> >>> Everybody is of course totally free to do whatever they want,
>>>>>> >>> but really, why the hell would you want to do that ?
>>>>>> >> Because text has many uses other than just feeding into a compiler
>>>>>> >> for translation to machine code? People who come from Unix/Linux
>>>>>> >> world are used to using a rich collection of tools that deal with
>>>>>> >> text in various ways.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I am myself a server/linux guy, an emacs user, I know what is all
>>>>>> > possible and what the unix philosophy is.
>>>>>> No offense intended. Just wanted to point out that text can have
>>>>>> different purposes. Historically, Smalltalk presented itself as a
>>>>>> OS+IDE. Today, that is no longer true. Pharo is just a multi-platform
>>>>>> IDE.
>>>>>> > I also know how to integrate Pharo into that world, and this is
>>>>>> super
>>>>>> > important.
>>>>>> Thanks. This is what I intended to bring out.
>>>>>> >>> You lose so much by doing that, I do not even know where to
>>>>>> >>> start.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Live coding (i.e. coding in the presence of instances) is
>>>>>> >> undoubtedly more powerful than edit-compile-run cycle. Text is used
>>>>>> >> to direct IDE to edit live objects. But text has many more uses
>>>>>> >> than just issuing commands.  If beginners start using vim just to
>>>>>> >> edit code due to established habits, they will soon realize the
>>>>>> >> ease of live coding and remain in IDE. This is a self-correcting
>>>>>> >> error.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Well, I don't think so.
>>>>>> > The users that you are going to attract in this way (the ones that
>>>>>> > don't want to leave their own IDE/editor), will look at textual
>>>>>> Pharo
>>>>>> > and find it very strange and ill suited to textual editing (and they
>>>>>> > are absolutely right), they will not discover the power, will not
>>>>>> > learn (from this experience alone) what object
>>>>>> > design/programming/power is, and will ask for more (e.g. give me ,
>>>>>> > style compiler errors, better/easier structure of the file, fixed
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> > !! escape issue, etc, ...).
>>>>>> I am sure there will always be skeptics. But my own experience was
>>>>>> different. For me, the most weird thing about Squeak (and now Pharo)
>>>>>> IDE
>>>>>> is its insistence in showing only one method at a time. A method is
>>>>>> too
>>>>>> small a chunk of code. It is easy to miss the forest for the trees.
>>>>>> In
>>>>>> Dimitris video, you see lots more code in one glance in vim session.
>>>>>> So
>>>>>> there are pragmatic reasons why some coders fallback to using
>>>>>> fileOuts
>>>>>> for browsing classes.
>>>>>> Regards .. Subbu

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