> On 25 Jan 2019, at 11:34, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
> As an aside - we can all make the editing tools better (e.g. borrow things 
> from VIM or Emacs) - I know I added a small feature in P7 (that possibly not 
> many realise) where you can now click anywhere on message (and not have to 
> highlight all of it) and browse senders/implementers (e.g. meta-M). This is 
> made possible because our tools are not simply text (like VIM/Emacs) - you 
> have the full AST at hand and can reason on the code and your cursor 
> locations.
> Similarly, you might not also realise that can also use META-2 to 
> intelligently select wider portions of code - which is great for refactoring 
> or correcting a mistake (e.g. put your cursor inside a comment and press 
> META-2). Repeatedly doing this will expand the selection (great inside a 
> block of code). Again - this is the power of an intelligent environment. It 
> also doesn’t take a lot of code and it was something I taught myself because 
> our environment is so discoverable.

WOW, wow, very nice !

Thank you.

There are so many hidden gems inside Pharo that it is impossible to keep track. 
People should not only add such features, but also continuously 
advocate/advertise them, it really takes a long time before everybody knows 
about new stuff.

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