Op 10-3-2019 om 02:13 schreef Ben Coman:

On Sun, 10 Mar 2019 at 04:55, Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> wrote:

I try to make a  app which displays images from a external api .

I was hoping I could do it with only 1 json parsing but to get the right size of images I need more then 1

Right now I have two classes with fromJson methods

Painting class >> fromJSON: json
    | instance |
    instance := self new.
        title: (json at: #title);
        painter: (json at: #principalOrFirstMaker);
        imageUrl: ((json at: #webImage) at: #url).
    ^ instance

Paintings class > fromJSON: json

fromJSON: json
    | instance artObjects |
    instance := self new.
    artObjects := json at: #artObjects.
            [ :eachArtObject | instance addPainting: (Painting fromJSON: eachArtObject) ].
    ^ instance

but to get it working right , I have to do it like this :

Painting class >> fromJSON: json
    | instance |
    instance := self new.
        title: (json at: #objectNumber);
   ^ instance

but the problem is now I need a second call to this url : 

and then need a new imageUrl out of it. 
and then have one object with objectNumber and the new url

Also I have to make a call to this url : 

and also get some data out of it so that a painting will be one object with the objectNumber, new imageurl 
and some data out of the last call 

Do I need to make some more object to get this working or is there a way I can change the code I use now
to get things working 



Its hard to tell from your description.
You say "the problem is now I need a second call" but you've not shown the code that does the calling,
and you've not shown the first call, or where you are looping through multiple paintings (I'm guessing that is the requirement)

You say "Do I need to make some more object", but are you referring to more Paintings objects or more Painting objects?

So speaking only very generally, this might be implemented in two ways...
A1. Request the json of paintings into a Paintings object  
A2 Loop that json requesting each individual painting json to fully initialized Painting object 

B1. Request the json of paintings into a Paintings object 
B2. Loop that json create empty Painting objects
B3. Iterate those Painting objects with each one requesting its own json from the server, and can do multiple requests if necessary

And btw, very very generally, if you see even a hint of one way to do it - do it that way first and see what insights arise from that to improve it.   
Particularly when exploring a new domain like an unfamiliar API, the usual approach is...
1. Make it work
2. Make it right
3. Make it fast
Use whatever hackery you need to get step 1 done before moving to step 2, which you are inquiring about. And often you don't even need step 3.

cheers -ben

Hello Ben

Sorry for the general thing. Im thinking how I can solve things before begin with coding

Right now the first call is :

    | json |
    json := NeoJSONReader
    ^ self class fromJSON: json

but as I try to say I do not see how and where to place the second call and process the json
as far as I know I cannot make a second fromJSON in a paintings object

if you need I can make a fileout of place the image so far on for example dropbox


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