On Sun, 10 Mar 2019 at 17:55, Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> wrote:

> I could do something like this :
> getImages
>     | json numbers json2  |
>     json := NeoJSONReader
>         fromString:
>             (ZnEasy
>                 get:
>                     '
> https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/api/nl/collection?key=14OGzuak&format=json&type=schilderij&toppieces=True
> ')
>                 contents.
>     numbers := self class fromJSON: json
>     numbers do: [each |  json :=  .........
>                                            imageData = self class ???

I'm not sure what "numbers" refers to. It seems a quite non-domain related
To understand the domain, pasting the json contents of your link above into
and collapsing objects I see the structure is...
   "artObjects":[ + ] ,
   "facets":[ + ]

where artObjects is an array with each art object like this==>
         "title":"De Singelbrug bij de Paleisstraat in Amsterdam",
         "principalOrFirstMaker":"George Hendrik Breitner",
         "longTitle":"De Singelbrug bij de Paleisstraat in Amsterdam,
George Hendrik Breitner, 1898",

So evaluating the following in Playground...
    collectionUrl :=  '
    collectionJson := NeoJSONReader fromString: (ZnEasy get: collectionUrl)
    paintings := Paintings fromJSON: collectionJson.
    paintings inspect.

then cleaning the DNU errors as i went,
starting with your original code (which was good btw)...

    Paintings class >>  fromJSON: json
        | instance artObjects |
        instance := self new.
        artObjects := json at: #artObjects.
                [ :eachArtObject | instance addPainting: (Painting
fromJSON: eachArtObject) ].
        ^ instance

    Painting class >> fromJSON: json
        | instance |
        instance := self new.
            title: (json at: #title);
            painter: (json at: #principalOrFirstMaker);
            imageUrl: ((json at: #webImage) at: #url).
        ^ instance

I added (roughly in order that each DNU occurred)...

    Painting >> title: aString
title := aString

    Painting >> painter: aString
painter := aString

    Painting >> imageUrl: aString
imageUrl := aString

    Paintings >> addPainting: aPainting
paintings := paintings ifNil: [ OrderedCollection new ].
paintings add: aPainting.

I get an inspector on a list of paintings and can drill down to a painting
and see each has the expected data,
and just to round things off...

    Painting >> title
^ title

    Painting >> printOn: aStream
super printOn: aStream.
aStream << ' (' << self title << ')'

helps distinguish each item in the Inspector.

Now to extend the Playground code to download and display a painting, in
Playground I evaluated...

    painting := paintings first.
    imageResponse := ZnEasy get: painting imageUrl.
    image := ImageReadWriter formFromStream: imageResponse entity
    image inspect.

    Paintings >> first
^ paintings first

    Painting >> imageUrl
^ imageUrl

and an inspector on the `image` variable displays the painting on the Morph

Now to mold the IDE to your domain...
using Spotter to browser gtInspector* methods, a promising find is...
from which I produced...

    Painting  >>  gtInspectorJpegIn: composite
<gtInspectorPresentationOrder: 0>
composite morph
title: 'Painting';
display: [ ImageReadWriter formFromStream: self imageEntity readStream ]

Then inspecting the `paintings` variable and drilling down to a painting
pops up a DNU #imageEntity, which can be resolved by...

    Painting >> imageEntity
^ imageEntity ifNil: [ imageEntity := (ZnEasy get: self imageUrl) entity ].

and you get to see the painting shown in the Inspector.

Now if I understand your question... "Do I need to make some more object to
get this working..."
I'd say... No. You only want one object for each painting. Once you have a
painting object, it should handle all getting all further data it needs for
You don't want duplicate objects each having half of the data.

can I for example name the function fromJson2 or fromJSONFromLink2  ?

By naming convention #fromJson: implies it sits on the class side.
To get further data for an existing object you want an instance-side
method, maybe named #getLink2Json.

cheers -ben

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