I’m really struggling a bit with new images in 7.0.2. Now it may be that it’s 
not .2’s fault - but as I’ve been doing lots of repeatable things in Pharo 6 
and 7a and 7.0.1, you notice when things change.

I’d really appreciate some thoughts on an iceberg/Monticello issue i suddenly 
hit last night.

I merged a large PR in my project and then tested it in a new zero conf 7.0.2 
image and directory from master (via that github pr) with the following command 
line (which I’ve always used):

./pharo-ui Pharo.image eval "
Metacello new 
 baseline: 'Exercism'; 
 repository: 'github://exercism/pharo-smalltalk:master';

The first time it seemed to work, but I found some bugs, and so I fixed them 
and merged 2 more tiny pr’s. When I delete everything (rm -rf), and load it 
again,  it doesn't load everything? Those commits are missing. When  look in my 
image my fixes aren't there in the code (but they show do in github master) - 
and when I open up an iceberg window in that fresh image it shows 4 incoming 
pull requests? Why didn’t it load everything?

 It never used to do this from a clean image using Metacello? 

Can anyone think of what might cause this? I’m really confused.


Sent from my iPhone

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