On Sun, 24 Mar 2019 at 21:26, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:

> Any good references come to mind? As I’ll build up a list that I can point
> people to, that hopefully puts them in a better place to solve these more
> interesting and hopefully rewarding problems.

Since 2003 in one of my courses I've used Craig Larman's Applying UML and
Patterns because it has an analysis approach (getting from a semi-complex
problem to a working OO solution in iterations, with UML if you want). It's
using the Point Of Sale (cash register) problem which is complex yet
familiar enough for most people to grasp (no pun intended, GRASP are the
patterns he pushes as underlying responsibility-driven principles).

Otherwise, Cay Horstmann's 3rd edition of OO Design and Patterns (Java, but
applies to any OO language) should be out soon (I provided feedback on a
draft copy last year). It has some good coverage of OO qualities and also
uses a realistic problem (Graphics Editing framework, Violet) as the basis
of lots of examples.

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