Sorry for the later response. yes here too: resizing didn't cause problems.
Drastic work around :o)   :
I have now installed Pharo 7.0 on my other Windows 10 PC,
Using the Pharo Launcher. **
Everything works ok, on my windows machine.
installed Seaside, my own app dev from .st fileins. etc.

Enjoying the improved 7.0 version.

Thanks to all
Kind regards

(still having a problem here with Pharo Launcher)
   If I do "save as" in Pharo, the new image does NOT appear in the launcher
  why is that? 
  Pharo does also not respect the traditional "save as"  default renaming.
  It does not supply the old image name name with the new incremented
.number trailing.
  Solved the problem by putting my most recent .image .changes .source 
  into a separate independent  folder and making a Windows file association
to the new VM.
  which by the way is my preferred way of working, completely local, off
  putting everything related to a single app development 
   in one autonomous folder. (I don't use git for my own developments..)
   Now, to work with an .image, I simply click on it and the VM starts with
that image,
   what can be simpler? 
  I don't need the nested folder structure the Pharo Launcher uses.
In practice, this means the Pharo Launcher is only useful to me to get
the most recent VM & image, whenever the need arises.

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