Cheers all,

There was a mail about Spec2 documentation on this list in the last few
days. I had a Spec program, and wanted to see how to migrate it to Spec2.
The before and after is the master and the Spec2Migration branches of:

I decided to write down an account of all my struggles in making this
migration. That account is on:

Beware - it is LONG.

In the end, I draw the following conclusions:

   - Class comments on which classes to use instead of the depricated ones
   should be mandatory!
   - Spotter is a real help
   - Changing terminology is a true pest - in particular since the
   terminology of a library is used in the applications - in my case Tab
   became Page.
   - The new library has not yet implemented all parts of the old one (but
   I am sure it has implemented new stuff as well).
   - The SpDemo class is not only good, it is a template for others to
   - Do not silently delete features. Be brave and include a method
   oddRowColor with a comment saying it is not going to be implemented in this
   version, and why.

Some of them refer to specifics of the code.

Overall I can say, that earlier today, Estaban wrote:
"Widgets API is more or less compatible, chances are that your components
will work out of the box or it will be rewritten by a deprecation rule.
What is not compatible and there I not auto migration is the layout. You
will need to rewrite those.”

I am afraid to say, that was not my experience :-)



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