> the problem is that right now we can write tests for UI and we try hard to
do it but 
> as soon as we have a pop up we do not have yet a way to capture this
> interaction. 
> We were discussing about it and got it by the covid. 

So many things have been impacted by COVID.  Now we have new ways of

>> Is there a way to emulate a GUI user and the actions of mouse moves &
>> clicks
>> (as well as keypresses)?  
> Yes. 
> You can have a look at Spec20 tests

I guess it's time for me to dive into Spec2...  I want to add a Spec2 UI to
my Zebra Puzzle tutorial.  That certainly will require UI tests, too.

>> And to capture the results of pointing, clicking,
>> right-click menu selections, etc?
>> Is there a UI testing framework for Pharo that includes this?  If not,
>> should we start building one?

> We are missing a way to model pop up and more. 

That sounds like the first step, then...


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