Am I starting to hallucinate, or did I read some time in the last year that
there are plans for a "long term stability" branch of Pharo?  That had me
giving thanks.  Pharo is splendid, and that will give us the best of both
worlds: a stable base for development WITHOUT holding back development of
Pharo itself.

I think Stéphane Ducasse may have completely misunderstood me.  I wonder
what he thinks my "choice" is?  The only choice I'm aware of making is to
continue being engaged with Pharo.  (Hint: I am not on the Squeak mailing
list.  I don't even know if there is one any more.)  The unpleasantly
disparate nature of "Smalltalk" does not make *Pharo* a bad choice, it just
means that anyone who develops in Pharo with the aim of deploying in VW is
facing a much harder task than they might have been led to expect.

I would also like to praise S.D. and his merry band for
(a) the free Smalltalk books
(b) the continuing series of books specifically about Pharo.
Is there some way I can contribute to the Pharo book(let)s?
I'm not too bad at proof-reading.

On Thu, 13 Aug 2020 at 01:43, Stéphane Ducasse <>

> "Protect me from my friends I will deal with my ennemies."
>         Pharo is Pharo.
>         The smalltalk community likes to complain but we prefer to invent
> the future.
>         For the record we are helping companies to DELIVER and we are
> engaging
>         any people that want to invent the future with us.
>         I have often the impression that having success is bad in this
> wonderful communauty
>         Horrido can’t you spend your energy in something more productive?
>         What a drag?
>         Richard O’Keefe, this is a pity because we will never learn much
> from your experience.
>         Anyway this is your choice but a strange one.
>         I would love to have a type inferencer for Pharo.
>         Sorry no time to spend more time on this.
> S.
> I did not do Pharo for ego I did it because else I would have join Lua or
> Python
> because Squeak and VW were killing my Smalltalk flame.
> I prefer doing than talking.

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