I'm interested to hear why anyone would say this.  A free service that 
saves me the effort of finding an envelope and a stamp, accurately 
addressing the envelope, writing out a check, and going to a post 
box...plus the week for it to get to the seller, and the week some 
sellers "need" for the check to clear (or worse, those that require a 
postal money order, which requires a 20 minute wait in line at my post 
office) - what's not to like?

Perhaps those who criticize it ought to try it before doing so.  It's 
**extremely** convenient, which is why it's such a success.

Users are only charged when they add credit card capability to their 
account - just like any other credit card fee - but for everyone else, 
it's free.  So where exactly is the "corporate greed" in that?

On Feb 25, 2005, at 5:25 AM, someone wrote:

> Paypal has always been nothing other than an insidious example of 
> egregious
> corporate greed.  I have never used it and never will.  A convenience? 
>  HA

-- Peter

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