At 12:03 24/4/2001, Sascha Schumann wrote:
>On Tue, 24 Apr 2001, Zeev Suraski wrote:
> > At 03:02 24/4/2001, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:
> > >It a bit of a showstopper for pretty much all web-based mail clients
> > >like IMP - people have been reporting their logs being littered with
> > >segfaults for a while now actually.
> >
> > Ok then, merge it in, and looks like we'll have to have RC8 after all.
>     There has been a simple API change in Apache 2.0 as well
>     which I'd like to accomodate.

The race between world peace and PHP 4.0.5 is tightening by the minute :)
Anyway, let's say Wednesday evening (GMT) would be the last time to put in 
changes;  RC8 goes out then;  4.0.5 goes out on Monday, unless there are 
serious show stoppers.


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