Whatever. I just think it makes more sense to put such patches after we branch.


At 07:34 PM 5/9/2001 +0200, Sascha Schumann wrote:
> > I want to branch tomorrow so why not revert the patch today and reapply it
> > tomorrow night or the day after?
>     Because that creates more work than reverting the patch once?
> > Same effect but it makes more sense to me to have the tree 4.0.6-dev until
> > we branch.
>     I'd like to see this apparent problem fixed quickly in the
>     development branch.  Prolonging it by backing the changes out
>     from the main branch and reapplying them a day later makes
>     little sense to me.
>     - Sascha                                     Experience IRCG
>       http://schumann.cx/                http://schumann.cx/ircg

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