On Thu, 10 May 2001, Jani Taskinen wrote:

> On Wed, 9 May 2001, Sterling Hughes wrote:
> >On Thu, 10 May 2001, Jani Taskinen wrote:
> >> This is just because some developers don't like to follow the guidelines.
> >> As, I quote, "it woulnd't be fun anymore" or "you can't force anyone".
> >
> >Hrrmmm.. Which guidelines would those be?  And no, you can't force anyone,
> This one.. (from CODING_STANDARDS):
> ----8<---------------------------------------
> Naming Conventions
> ------------------
> [1] Function names for user-level functions should be enclosed with in
>     the PHP_FUNCTION() macro. They should be in lowercase, with words
> --------8<-----------------------------------
> And yes, you can force anyone. If they don't follow the guidelines set,
> their CVS access can as easily be taken from them as it was given..
> This is same as if someone intentionally breaks some parts of the code.

How is this helpful?  By removing CVS access your taking one person away
who could possibly solve the problem.  And your still not forcing them to
do anything.  If I was a new developer and someone removed my CVS access
because I goofed up, or my code didn't conform to the CODING_STANDARDS
file, I would most likely not contribute again, and would not be happy
with the PHP development team.  If we send people away its usually not
their loss, but rather ours (exceptions can be made for a few people,
*cough* Jon Ribbens *cough* ;)

> >if you see something you don't like however, your welcome to change it,
> >and if its generally a good change, then it will be included in the code.
> So..you think that if you are lazy and don't wanna follow these loose
> guidelines a bit and use your own intendation and naming convention
> someone else has to come after and clean up your mess?! Yeah, right.

If someone has a problem with the way I or someone else codes, they're
more than welcome to fix it themselves.  While in a perfect world all
files and pieces of work would fit into PHP perfectly, that isn't so.
There's no reason to look down upon good pieces of code, because the
identation doesn't match the PHP standard, or they don't name things
according to the standard.  If its really that big a problem, ask the
developer to fix it, and if they don't want too, fix it yourself (I mean
yourself in the general sense), or leave it alone.

> This isn't like at your home where your mom cleans up your room.
> Here you really have to do it yourself. :-p

That was only in Italy :)  And damn that was great, I got three fresh
cooked meals a day too, as well as all my laundry done, ahhhh, but I

> >I've gone ahead and changed them all to lower case...  If its a bad change
> >I'm expecting people to bitch.
> Anyone good with regexps could create a script which could be used
> to at least find these..or even convert them to lower case ?

I think the com extension was the last remnants, grep could easily
handle this...

> >> >another question: according to the CODING_STANDARDS file every function
> >> >should be lowercase, but how about exported classes ? is there a guidline
> >> >for this ?
> >>
> >> See above.
> >>
> >
> >There is no standard in the CODING_STANDARDS file.
> So why does it even exist?

Maybe you mis-understood me.   I mean there is no written standard for the
naming of classes in the CODING_STANDARDS file, not that the
CODING_STANDARDS file is not to be followed (or changed if a part of it is
objectionable ;)


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