> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jani Taskinen
> Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 9:11 PM
> To: Daniel Beulshausen
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] About ext/sockets/ 
> On Sun, 24 Jun 2001, Daniel Beulshausen wrote:
> >the issue that made the extension break was the step from 
> resources to
> >longs for the socket fd's, this was necessary as win32 
> socket fd's are
> >different from bsd style socket fd's.
> So this is broken now only on *nix? Nice.
> Previously it worked only on unices, now it works only on win32?
> What an improvement.
it isn't broken, i've just compiled the latest cvs, and the 
"new" sockets example script performed well, also with using
pcntl to fork the "servers"

> >as this change would already have broken the extension i 
> decided to update
> >the api as well, mainly the functions names, but also some 
> return types.
> Did you happen to think that maybe people have already got used to the
> way it works? And they have created lot of scripts depending on the
> old behaviour? Old behaviour was also consistent with how the 
> low-level
> socket functions worked. Which makes it easier to those people who
> already know socket programming in C to use this extension.
yes, the renaming confused me first, and still after renaming the
example script,
it didn't work. i had to use a new example script
i don't think, that this is a good solution
maybe two "socket" module would be one ?

> >the extension works pretty well under win32 now, but if 
> there are functions
> >that are broken under posix i suggest that someone with more 
> knowledge of
> >the bsd sockets than i has a look at them.
> Maybe you shouldn't have touched it at all then?
> You should have sent the patch first to the list.
> And after someone using *nix platform had tested and verified 
> it really
> worked only after that you should have committed.
> Never heard this: 'test before commit' ???
i agree

> >i'd vote not for changing the api back, rather than 
> updating/extending the
> >yet available (tiny) sockets documentation.
> I vote we get the old api back. I don't care if it doesn't 
> support win32.
who cares about win32 ? ;)
> Document that instead. Or update the documentation then. And 
> add working
> examples there. I'm not gonna waste my time trying to figure out this.
i agree
> --Jani
Lukas Beeler
> -- 
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