Title: RE: [PHP-DEV] Possibility of moving bugs to another list?

I disagree. Again.
Dev discussion and bug discussion are often intertwined.
Separating them would fragment discussion.
Email filters are your friend.

 Mike Robinson
 IT / Developer - Toronto Star TV
 Phone: 416.945.8786
 Fax: 416.869.4566

> You got it.  I'm right there with you.  This group get
> roughly 150 to 200
> messages a day. About half of those are Bugzilla messages.  I
> think we could
> severely imporve the readablity of this group if we seperated
> the bugs to a
> PHP-Bugs group.  I'm sure most of use wouldn't mind have to
> two seperate
> group, because at least then we could tell what we were
> looking at quickly.

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