> Jan Kneschke wrote:
> > ostborn         Wed Dec 12 04:46:27 2001 EDT
> >
> >   Added files:
> >     /php4/ext/phpdoc    .cvsignore Makefile.in config.m4 libs.mk
> >                         php_phpdoc.h phpdoc.c
>   Some questions, Jan:
>     1.) Why /php4/ext/ and not /pear/PECL/?

    I think this belongs in PECL personally...

>     2.) Does this version compile with current CVS? I haven't tried yet,
>         but I see an old module entry declaration.
    then it doesn't compile...

>     3.) What's the relation between PHPDoc and IPv6? :-)
>         (php_info_print_table_row(2, "PHPDoc Version", "IPv6" );)

    Its just to confuse newbies??? :)

>   Anyhow: Thanks for your work and I'm happy seeing this finally on
>   cvs.php.net!
    Agreed, just where is up to debate :)


>   Greetings,
> Sebastian
> -- 
>   Sebastian Bergmann
>   http://sebastian-bergmann.de/                 http://phpOpenTracker.de/
>   Did I help you? Consider a gift: http://wishlist.sebastian-bergmann.de/
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