Zeev Suraski wrote:
> I wouldn't pay too much attention to anything in version 0.0.3.

  Of course.

> The Zend engine was quicker than Perl at this kind of stuff during 
> initial stages of development, but as more features and 
> functionality are added, it became slower.

  I understand this, and somewhat expect Parrot to become slower. Apart
  from that, I have a feeling that the fundamental difference of using a
  register machine model for the virtual machine instead of the
  ''traditional'' stack machine approach will give Parrot -- and hence
  Perl 6 -- a huge performance advantage.

> That said - if you're using PHP because of performance, you're 
> choosing the wrong language.  For instance, I can pretty much assure 
> you that Microsoft's CLR is going to be quicker, because it'll be 
> almost in the same speed of native code.

  I chose PHP for its ease of use and its sex appeal.

  I don't mind PHP to be slower than Perl or Python that much. But what
  I would not mind would be the Zend Engine 2 beeing slower than the
  Zend Engine 1...

  BTW: Happy New Year :-)

  Sebastian Bergmann
  http://sebastian-bergmann.de/                 http://phpOpenTracker.de/

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