ID: 14529
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Old Summary: script doesn't always finish output
Status: Open
Bug Type: Output Control
Operating System: Linux RH 7.2
Old PHP Version: 4.1.0
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

Have tried using PHP 4.1.1 now and output is still being cut off.

It seems to do this when there is a very long string in a variable.  For
example I have my one program create all the body of an HTML file into
one variable such as $body.  Other variables handle other sections of
the HTML code such as $header, $body_tag, etc.  This way many different
modules can all have control over the page output regardless of when
they are called.  But if the output gets fairly large in one variable,
then the script seems to stop output (NOT NECESSARILY while outputing
that variable but could be in the middle of an echo statement further
down.  It's as if it can only handle echoing a limited amount HTML.  I'm
not talking about the variable being huge either, just a couple of pages
worth of text.

I tried changing the default 8MB of memory a script can use up to

Currently I have output buffering turned to Off.  If I turn it on it
seems to handle it better but still have problems.

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-19 18:32:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry, What I first thought to be consistant is proving me wrong.  The
end bracket is now making no difference whether the page loads
completely or not.  It seemed to at first but now there is no

A new discovery is that on some pages even with Output_buffering set to
On, it is also halting output to HTML code.

It is also crashing many times whereas a request to a page (or simple
refresh) is sometimes just hanging or returning very quickly that the
page is not available (and upon a refresh it loads again).

4.1.0 had some wise moves made with the session handling so globals can
be turned off.  I've been waiting for this improvement for sometime, but
4.1.0 is simply too buggy and unstable.  I've tried a couple of the new
developments but am finding other problems with them the strongest being
my code to connect to my MySQL database no longer works in the newer
versions (4.2.0-dev).  I am giving up and going back to 4.0.6  Until the
serious bugs are removed from a version with the better session

If you need me to test other things I'd be happy to, just let me know.


[2001-12-17 17:58:58] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Went back to PHP 4.1.0 and have tried numerous things and found a
consistency causing the problem (don't understand why though).

If the URL is something such as:
scripting stops part ways through unless I have output_buffering On
if the URL is:
(notice the end /) it works just fine with output_buffering on OR off

When I drop back to PHP4.0.6 it doesn't matter if the end '/' is there
or not.

I must point out that this script forces a virtual URL in that it
actually is running a PHP script called test and everything else on the
URL is simply virtual pages telling the test script what it is to be
doing.  On static pages I have not tested this to see if the '/' is
missing that there is a problem.

Perhaps apache needs different configuration when using PHP4.1.0 over
PHP4.0.6 to overcome the end '/' tag.  Now that I know this bug, I can
easily overcome it in my code (all links already do this but for test
pages I just manually type it in and have always left the end '/' off as
it worked in previous versions of PHP).  

Just in case I tested it with both magic_quotes on and off in both 4.0.6
and 4.1.0 and it still works in 4.0.6 and not in 4.1.0

Either way this problem is not as serious anymore as this slight fix (in
knowing the '/' is needed) means I'm no longer having half pages


[2001-12-15 15:33:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tried using the snap shot and it will no longer let me connect to my
MySQL database so I couldn't run the page I've been doing the testing

Did the format for mysql_connect change in this version?

I can still connect to it from the Linux prompt itself so it's still
running.  In phpinfo() the section on mysql looks exactly the same
except MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE (4.1.0 reports 'none' the 4.2.0-dev reports
'builtin') yet I used the same configure line (both used built in - I've
never figured out how to get it to use the installed MySQL perhaps
because it's installed from rpm files and library file just don't exist
- but not too sure what I am supposed to be looking for there).


[2001-12-15 06:35:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can you please try a snapshot from, and see if it's fixed
in the 4.2.0dev version?




[2001-12-14 20:16:49] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Having a problem like in bug ID# 9836 but was unable to submit comments
to that thread.

scripts sometimes stops outputing part ways through. (No errors just an
uncompleted page displayed).  Regardless of how many refreshes it stops
at exact same place.  Some pages have very little code others have a lot
so length doesn't seem to be the issue.

I tried setting a session variable after an echo statement that did not
fully display and on a reload it had taken the new value.  This would
suggest the script doesn't really stop, just the output of HTML being
returned stops.  As a side note the time the setting of a session
variable was added below the lines not displaying, upon a refresh it not
only showed me the variable was set but it displayed the whole page.

Sure enough if I pulled the session variable out (nothing relative to
the page at all), restart the session it's back to stopping at the exact
same spot before - right in the middle of an echo statement such as:

echo "This is a sample";

would only output:
(and that would be the last of the page)

It is not timing out (runs in less than a second).  But I have
discovered if I set the following in php.ini it works perfectly: 

output_buffering = On
(formally set to 'Off')

You would think that with it set to On you'd have more chances of a cut
off than with it Off

Here is my config line (same as when I run PHP4.0.6 which doesn't repeat
this problem).
./configure --with-apxs --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr
--bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc
--datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib
--libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/usr/com
--mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --prefix=/u
sr --with-config-file-path=/etc --disable-debug --enable-pic
--disable-rpath --enable-inline-optimization --with-bz2 --with-curf
--with-db3 --with-exec-dir=/usr/bin --with-gd --with-gdbm --with-gettext
-with-jpeg-dir=/usr --enable-trans-sid --with-openssl --with-png
--with-regex=system --with-ttl --with-zlib --with-layout=GNU
--enable-debugger --enable-ftp --enable-magic-quotes --enable-safe-mode
--enable-sockets --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --enable-track-vars
--enable-yp --enable-wddx --with-mysql --with-pgsql --without-unixODBC
--without-oracle --without-oci8 --with-pspell --with-xml --with-pdf

I also am using Zend Optimizer (for 4.1.0)

I should also point out that with PHP4.1.0 I can not use 'user' session
handling (used MySQL to handle sessions in PHP4.0.6), now unless I turn
it back to default 'files' it will not let me use old (session_register)
or the new ($_SESSION['name']=)...though no errors occur the session
just doesn't retrieve or store data anymore.  I don't know if these two
would be linked but I thought I'd bring it up


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