Zak Greant wrote:
> On 2002-12-01 05:24, Manuel Lemos wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > [insert other shameless plugs here]
> >
> > What is the matter with you? Why this hostility again? Does the truth
> > bothers you?
> >
> > Are you going to start yet another "repress Manuel because we don't want
> > him to help PHP users" thread?
> >
> > Get a grip! I wish new guys like you that just got stop acting
> > as if you it got over your head and you think you are a big shot because
> > of that and you the right to act this arrogant.
> >
> > What? You did not like my response? That's to make you think again next
> > time before you decide to get me started with your repressing arrogance.
> >
> > :-(
>   Chill Manuel! If your responses to the smallest slight were less
>   overblown/entertaining, people would taunt you *much* less often.

I don't think there is an excuse for Derick sistematic arrogance. Still,
that is just my opinion.

I wish the Dericks of this this list would better spend their time
helping that Zaks instead of just annoying the Manuels because they
hardcoded in their minds that "repressing the Manuels" is a much better
thing to do! :-)

>   Also, user level questions should stay on the general or db list.

Yes, sorry, my mistake, I didn't quite notice the list this was going
to, I just followed-up the original post.

Manuel Lemos

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