On 2002-12-01 09:23, Manuel Lemos wrote:


> His follow messages just confirm what I said.

  I find intolerance in both sides of the argument.

> >   But Derick *does* spend time helping me.* :) I still think that with
> > just a teeny bit of restraint on both sides, this would not happen.
> I was kidding, but since you took it seriously, just by going to
> http://bugs.php.net/search.php I can see that there 920 outstand bug
> reports to be addressed. How come anybody can think that "repressing
> Manuel" is a better way to spend time than fixing all those bugs? I
> looks like Derick wants to show off and exhibit his official @php.net
> badge and act like a PHP mailing lists "watchdog". Never mind, lets let
> him figure that he'd better have a life of his own instead of bothering
> to step on others' feet.

  Manuel, Derick spends a fabulous amount of time on improving PHP. I 
  very much respect his effort and generally quiet, determined demeanor.

  He is not showing off his status. He is venting frustration that many
  in the community feel. Many of the long and loud threads on this list
  over the last little while have been pointless fights... 

  You defend yourself so vigorously and take offense so quickly that 
  people have trouble relating to you.


> It was not intended, but now you have to face the justice or Mr. Net cop
> Derick.

  Actually I don't - in fact, I don't recall ever having been troubled by
  those who disagree with you.  I am probably the least adept of the people
  actively involved with the development effort and I make a lot of mistakes
  and foolish suggestions, yet no one troubles me... 

> Just to relax, you know that 4 years ago I wrote a book named something
> that would be translated as  "Being on the Internet". I have one chapter
> that talks about typical behaviours that the Internet make outstand in
> users. One of the described behaviours is what I called the "Net Cop".
> It is that guy that thinks of himself of a big shot that knows all and
> is going to fix the world by repressing others. Derick just reminded me
> of a Net Cop. Anyway, I tend to understand people like him, because as I
> explained in the book, usually people just repress others because they
> are or at least were repressed by others in the past. Despite they hated
> it, they just do the same and repress others with shouting at them with
> public messages to try to humilliate them, just like Derick tried. Never
> mind, nothing that some good analysis sessions would not solve! :-)

  Manuel, you are very intelligent and have the benefit of being older than 
  many of us on the list - why can't you identify your own behavior in the 
  bad things that you attribute to others? 

  I believe that you are a net cop. Derick certainly is not - I somewhat am
  -- just by the virtue of not being able to leave other people's 
  discussions well enough alone. :)  Anyone remember when I was *stupid*
  enough to try and moderate the last big fight between Zeev and Sascha?

> Anyway, talking about books, and to not completely waste this thread I
> have just skimmed your book, PHP Functions Essential Reference. I must
> congratulate you and your co-authors for the book. It is a very good
> approach to make turn a reference manual into a much more useful PHP
> programming hand book.

  Thank you! We worked hard on providing cookbook-style examples 
  to match the reference material.

> I am sorry I could not yet find time to publish a review in the PHP
> Classes site because I have been very busy with things that gave me a
> lot of work like completely removing the uses of strtok function from
> the site code because PHP developers broke it after version 4.0.6 and I
> could not avoid the upgrade to use the APC cache to speedup the site
> service.

  This is an example of the negative behavior that we discuseed. Everyone
  know that you have issues with this. Each time that you bring it up 
  without adding any constructive input with it, it makes people angry.

  If I found what I considered to be a flaw in Metabase, and 
  continually hounded you on the "problem" without offering any compromise 
  or assistance, you would likely not find me very good company.

> I probably only have time to review your book in February because I am
> still very busy with a new release of Metabase to be out on its second
> anniversary since its first public release that will happen on the 18th.
> There are a few inovating features that I want release but I have to
> work a lot to make it happen in time. Then I need to get back to MetaL
> developement that will also have its first public release soon,
> hopefully some time next month. But don't worry I will make a nice
> review of your book anytime until then.

  No worries on timing. 

> Regards,
> Manuel Lemos
> Regards,
> Manuel Lemos

Zak Greant

PHP Quality Assurance Team

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