
George Schlossnagle wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > George Schlossnagle wrote:
> >>
> >> APC supports compiled code in the fashion I think you're looking for.
> >> There's a README.compiler in the distribution tar ball.
> >
> > I know, I use APC in MMAP mode and I noticed that it outputs PHP
> > compiled code for each script to disk. That is precisely what is
> > necessary. What is needed that is we can make it work officially as a
> > compiler, not just as a cache engines that may or may not output
> > compiled files to the disk.
> >
> > So, would you be interested in help to add the necessary glue to make it
> > work officially also as a compiler, if you do not intend to do it
> > yourself.
> Sure.  I'm not sure what glue you see needing adding, but I'm happy to
> help/

I think what is needed is very simple, especially for you that know your
own code very well, but if you do not have much free time I can do it
with your orientation. BTW, while this thread is going on, I have been
getting numerous private messages of people volunteering to do different
types of things to help on the whole project.

Anyway, what I think is needed is the following:

- Add an API function that can compile arbitrary PHP scripts.

- Add an API function for loading arbitrary compiled code.

- If possible these should take source input and generating compiled
output to string so we can handle input and output data from other
sources besides files.

These would be the basic this that would be necessary.

Around this we could build other tools like GUI interfaces from
compiling sources in batches, building distribution archives, self
extracting and installable PHP applications, etc...

Now, for something probably more challenging: could the compiled output
be fed to Zend Optimizer somehow and get an optimized compiled output
that could be saved, loaded and executed the same way as the
non-optimized compiled output?

> > How Open Source is APC? Do you take volunteers help (patches, hackers
> > with CVS accounts, bug reports, etc..)?
> APC is completely open-source (release under QPL).  Patches are
> awesome.  CVS write-access is only for maintainers at the moment (and
> anon cvs to the world).  There's noo  hard-and-fast rule, but the base
> guideline for maintainer status is contribution fixes/patches of
> consistent merit and of more than 10% of the code base.

Great. And if PHP developers agree, would you be interested in
integrating APC extension in PHP, with PHP license of course?

> > I looked at all free cache engines (PHPA, APC, Bware). PHPA seems to be
> > going to non-Open Source route (no code available for everybody). Bware
> > people are nice and are willing to cooperate even if they don't have
> > much time. APC, I could not realize how alive the the project is. Do you
> > actively work on it or are you too busy?
> I haven't been very active since October (wish I could say it was a
> vacation, but alas, it was just work).  In about 3 weeks, I should have
> much much more free time and hopefully be able to get back to being very
> active in apc.

Ok, that's normal with everybody these days. Anyway, as I said I have
been getting a lot of support to provide a free PHP
compiler/optimizer/cache/encoder. So, this will not go forward for the
lack of will and contributed work.

Keep up the good work,
Manuel Lemos

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