On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 08:49:11PM +0200, Andi Gutmans wrote : 
> At 11:42 11/03/2002 +0200, Marko Karppinen wrote:
> >Shane wrote:
> >
> >> I think dl is an extremely important feature, and issues surrounding it
> >> should be fixed.
> >
> >I'm absolutely, positively +1 on this.
> >
> >On the Mac OS X side of things, we are in the interesting situation of
> >having PHP bundled with the operating system. I guess the same can be said
> >about various Linux distributions, but there is a crucial difference:
> >On the Mac, there is a tremendous pressure to leave the Apple-supplied
> >software alone -- this will guarantee that it will remain upgradeable with
> >Apple's Software Update mechanism, for example.
> >
> >Now Apple obviously can't bundle each and every PHP extension on the
> >operating system CD-ROMs and preconfigured Macs. Currently, this is a
> >lose-lose situation: The Apple-supplied PHP version doesn't have the
> >features you need, and if you replace it with a homegrown PHP, you lose
> >Apple's automatic updates and support.
> >
> >Having a good, working dl mechanism is the only reasonable way out of this
> >Catch-22.
> Apple should be using php.ini for extensions and not require the user to 
> call dl() wich is sucky.
> I still am not quite sure why it's such a big deal to add shared extensions 
> to php.ini.
> I don't agree that PHP extensions necessarily require dl(). There are many 
> programs out there in the computer industry (such as Apache) which require 
> you to add extensions in an INI file.

    Hehe .. yeah, but then, apache isn't that often used as a
    scripting language from the command line X-)

    - Markus

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