>> Having a good, working dl mechanism is the only reasonable way out of this
>> Catch-22.
> Apple should be using php.ini for extensions and not require the user to
> call dl() wich is sucky.

This is not about what Apple should be doing; indeed, Apple does nothing to
stop you from using a php.ini file. The question is this: what will the
*users* of Apple computers be doing?

For them, digging into the guts of the system, installing PHP extensions
there and modifying obscure, Apple-supplied configuration files is MUCH,
MUCH more frightening than just downloading a php extension, dropping it
into the Sites folder in their home directory, and calling
dl("extension.bundle"); in their PHP scripts.

The fact that we're bundled on OS X has the promise of making PHP available
to a whole new group of users. Leveraging that will require special
consideration from us. Mac users don't become UNIX users just by installing
OS X, and we shouldn't expect them to.


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